Saturday, June 9, 2007

And They Too...Are Our Love Ones...

This past Friday, Gene Banks spent the day at the Gateway School for children with disabilities and celebral palsey of Guilford County. This was special for the school and Gene, for it was the last day of school (summer break) for many of the young children, ranging from babies to ages 2-17. This was one of several visits that Gene has made at the school during the duration of the school year. Gene has visited the school sharing, laughing and playing with the children on many occassions and has felt a special bond with all of them. If he is not playing or watching T.V. with them, he is swimming and eating lunch. It seems that each visit, he brings a smile to each and everyone's face and many of the children, even through their disabilities, know and call out to and for him.
" I feel a special bond and oneness with the children because, they are all God's precious angels with some challenges in their lives" says Gene. Gene was introduced to the school by staff member Mrs. Lolita Crite, who has befriended Gene when he took an invitation to have "Buddy Lunch" with her son R.J. last year. Mrs. Crite extended an invitation to Gene to visit where she worked with disability children and without hesitation, agreed to visit the school of Gateway. He was hook since the
first day. "I have never cried so much with joy each and every time one of those children smiles or laughs at or with me. It truly keeps me in an humble and giving state of being and I feel the love that they give and need".

Gene wishes to give more exposure to the school because there is need of more volunteers, support and understanding of the sacrifices that the staff and volunteers make, day in and day out. "Those people (staff members & volunteers) are the real true hero's" says Gene.

Gene wishes all of you a wonderful continuous life but also wants you all to know, how blessed you truly are, in having the normal daily functioning of your facilities and mind. We must all be yea ever ready to serve and give back to not just the community, but to those that are in need, especially those, like the children at the Gateway school of Guilford County. So, give of your time, support and heart and do what God has placed in our spirits and heart to each other and help each other, even if they can't do the daily rituals of normal life or even speak or see. If nothing else....Thank God for all that you have and, give a little piece of yourself, to those that are in need, even if it is just a hug.

For more information and contact to the Gateway School for Special Education. Write to: Gateway School / 3205 E. Wendover Ave, Greensboro, NC 27406 / 336-375-2575