But enough said...The question here is Who? Obama? Hillary? These are the choices of the Democratic Party (well, John Edwards somewhat) The question arose being that I am African-American, and the African-American vote is a strong one. First, let me say, I am a registered Democrat. Why? Well, years of having growing up in a Democratic Party household and having the belief that this party, is more in tuned to the social needs of minorities. The Republican Party has been portrayed as the party, that is less in tune and less caring to minorities and many of their agendas, have shown so. I am not against the Republican Party, for we all have a right to choose and I am delighted in seeing African-Americans in that party, to have representation and make change or add, to it's agendas and issues.
So why the sudden attacks on Obama from Hill? Well, if you don't know politics, you will know one thing...whatever it takes to win and no matter who you attack to get that victory, means more than integrity and fair play. Even if it is own momma or friend. Even Bill, has come out of the box and make some discouraging comments against Obama and he has the NERVE to talk?!
Ok...I will say that I am voting Democratic due to the Republican agenda still doesn't address the issues of social matters in our country such as education in urban and rural areas, black teens being jailed wrongfully, The Hurricane Katrina matter,Health Care for the underprivileged and I can go on, and on, and on. Tell me who, in the Republican Party is worthy of my vote? Giuliani? Romney? Reagan? Oh...he's gone, I' sorry. I will vote for anyone, no matter what the party, if he or she, can unite this country and look to seeing that this country gets what it needs FIRST...and work toward the outside later. The deficit is back to being the highest ever, a recessions is right around the corner, still no Health Care for everyone, looked upon other nations now with hate and disapproval, companies moving out of the country and overseas displacing people form rural areas, out of jobs and basically homeless. Now, we have an illegal immigration problem.
If I had to vote today, I would vote for Obama, only due to the fact that he is trying to bring forth the issues of our country and not the rhetoric, that all the other candidates are spewing. Hillary lost me with the attacks, I was never impressed with Romney or Giuliani (who are the front-runners) Oh..I forgot about McCain..hmmmm..he seems to be running strong, but does he really believe what he is saying? Need to listen more on his issues. No, I wouldn't vote for Obama because he is black, but because he seems the most likely, to get this country united and move forward in ways that no other has been able to. Bill, started it (getting the country back somewhat) no we need someone, to take the torch and and lead us, in these trying days. Maybe Hillary can convince me otherwise, but right now, I am displeased in her actions of criticism and attacks. Who will you vote for?! Listen close and hard, to the issues and then YOU decide!
Remember, many blacks died, for us to have the right to vote. Even an uneducated black man, with no shoes, who was stopped at the door and threatened and then given a test. This is the one right that we have, that was fought for, that we can use as power, that was sacrificed, by our forefathers. Amen