Friday, February 23, 2007
We...Our Own Worst Enemy...
I was flipping thru the newspaper (Greensboro News & Record and USA Today) the other day and came across an article on a new but old system of our demise. In this article it stated that the Rev. Al Sharpton and the Rev. Jesse Jackson (I guess we can call them Reverands) made some interesting comments about Barrack Obama that showed me that we still....are our own worst enemies. Rev. Al mentioned that he didn't really know Obama and the Rev. Jackson, that the jury is still out. Hmmmmmmmmm...so, these two, that I have/had great respect for, throw another wrench in the pot when it comes to the "crab in the basket" syndrome. Because Obama didn't seek or was groomed by them and that people cannot say that he is a student of their tutiledge, they are not supporting or praising Obama. He has the mast majority of people in America impressed with his manner, dignity and grace. Because he didn't come up in the "civil rights movement" so to speak, he seems, as they are saying, a distance "Black Man". Obama is a refreshing breath of air and even American Whites, Hispanics, others, are not threatened by his rhetoric. He has not shyed away from his blackness in fact, he has embraced it as much as going back to Africa and tracing his roots, which many of us have not, could not or will not do. When was the last time Jesse or Al took a trip to trace theirs? Oh..I see Rev. Al on Saturday Night Live, MSNBC, Late Night, etc. Also see Jesse at major sporting events, controversies (Duke Lacrosse) and other situations. But I haven't seen them getting to the stoppage on Homelessness, Health Care for the poor, Inner-city gang violence, etc. They talk a good game but haven't really made any dents. But they have statements to make on the fact that Obama hasn't really be groomed or in "their" circle or teachings. Wow, Rev. Al with his closet full of skeletons (Tawana Brawley) and Rev. Jesse (or should we say, out-of-wedlock-Daddy Jesse)
This is the very same reason why we, as blacks, cannot further our strengths in today's market of politics, economics, etc. Because Obama hasn't gone to them to "kiss their rings" (like in Godfather fashion) they seem to feel slighted or feel as though he isn't "allowed" to be the answer to the black plight in Amercia or have the inner fortitude to run this America. He has the tools that many see as qualified and his qualification is far above any that George W. had when he was in the political arena. George W. as we know, was "silver spooned" into the white house, had corruption support (Florida vote) to make it official and we only got only a slight mudder from the two Revs and then they backed off.
So here we are again, with a divided house and a divided foundation to the future of our "Black Community Leaders" as well as the Democratic Party. I am sure that Rev. Al and Rev. Jackson are trying to make the right decision on who to support in this upcoming election being that Hillary is the counter party runner for the seat of the Democrats. Thanks roughly to "Intern Bill" Clinton (whom I still like) Hillary has support and questions, from the black community for her election chances. But the chances are great now due to George W. idiotic and incompatant manner of running this country. But hey, he is "our" president and thats what we have. Even I am in a 50/50 mood with casting my vote for either Hillary or Obama due to the fact that I wish to listen to more of his factual goals, visions and missions, for this America. I am impressed thus far and I am sure that I will be more impressed. What I am not, is the manner of the two Reverands attitudes and comments, due to Obama not "kissing their rings" so to speak.
African-Amerians can be (and are) so powerful in many arenas, but we still have ways to go into knowing that a house divided, will not stand...which has been the case, over centuries. Don't just vote for the man because he is Black! Vote for him cause he's qualified, dignified and has a plan for ALL people ...in America.
Thursday, February 15, 2007
My Son, The Creator...
My Son, Gene, Jr. has a creative skill in designing and making colorful business cards and I must say, I am truly impressed with his talent and quality of work. I am proud of him in excersising this craft and executing it in a profitable manner. This is a talent that he has groomed for some time and I must say...he has gotten raves reviews. If any of you would like to have him create, design and make business, personal or company cards, please make your request to me either on this blog or via email, telephone or postal request. The cost is extremely reasonable and lower than the competitve market The the time of recieving your cards is rapid.
Gene, Jr. whom I am surly proud of in many ways as well, desires to take this skill to the highest level of creativity. He already has many artists, models and companies vying for his services. He has not had one dissatisfied customer. I know that I am more than plesaed with the quality and design of my cards and the cards of his sister India's (both shown above)
So, give a shot, make a drop and get your cards from the seed of my seed. The sooner you respond, the sooner your design, work and recieving of the cards will be.
Black History Month Programming-Must See...
This list is a little overwhelming all in one month, but this happens every year. Watch what you can and recommend those programs that are particularly good. NBC Feb. 20: "Little Richard." NBC original movie stars Leon, Garrett Morris and Carl Lumbly in a biographical account of the rock 'n'roll icon. Robert Townsend directs! PBS Feb. 16: "Great Performances" presents "Aida's Brothers andSisters: Black Voices in Opera." Documentary salutes AfricanAmerican opera stars, including Sissieretta Jones, an ex-slave who performed for four U.S. Presidents. Feb. 16: "Nadro." Documentary about the African artist. Feb. 17: "Ellis Marsalis: Jazz is Spoken Here." This special profiles jazz great Wynton's father, who also happens to be a pianist, teacher and role model. Feb. 18: "I'll Make Me a World: A Century of African-American Arts." Parts 3 and 4 take a look at racial barriers being broken. Feb. 20: Independent Lens (10:00-11:00 p.m. ET)"Hip Hop: Beyond Beats and Rhymes"This film takes an in-depth look at machismo in rap music and hip-hop culture where creative genius, poetic beauty and mad beats collide with misogyny, violence and homophobia. By Byron Hurt http://www.pbs.org/independentlensFeb'>http://www.pbs.org/independentlens">http://www.pbs.org/independentlens Feb. 21: "A Walk through Harlem with David Hartman andHistorian Barry Lewis." An exploration of New York's mostfamous neighborhood. Feb. 21: Ralph Ellison's "King of the Bingo Game." A dramaticadaptation of Ellison's short story. Feb. 23: "Black Women On: The Light, Dark Thang." Thisdocumentary explores racial prejudice in the Black communityfrom the female perspective. Feb. 24: "Great Performances" presents "Dance in America:A Hymn for Alvin Ailey." Dancer/choreographer Judith Jamisonand performance artist Anna Deavere Smith. Feb. 25: "I'll Make Me a World: A Century of African-AmericanArts." The last two parts profile African-American artists from the1960s to the present. Feb. 27: "All God's Children." A documentary on the alienation of the gay community. Feb. 27: The Kennedy Center Presents: "A Tribute to Muddy Waters, King of the Blues." Billy Dee Williams hosts; Bo Diddley, Phoebe Snow, Peter Wolf and others. Feb. 28: "The America Experience" presents "John Brown's Holy War." Joe Morton narrates this documentary aboutBrown's crusade against slavery. |
Why (Some) Athletes Shouldn't Have REAL Jobs...
1. Chicago Cubs outfielder Andre Dawson on being a role model: "I wan' all dem kids to do what I do, to look up to me. I wan' all the kids to copulate me." 2. New Orleans Saint RB George Rogers when asked about the upcoming season: "I want to rush for 1,000 or 1,500 yards, whichever comes first." 3. And, upon hearing Joe Jacobi of the 'Skins say: "I'd run over my own mother to win the Super Bowl, Matt Millen of the Raiders said: "To win, I'd run over Joe's Mom, too." 4. Torrin Polk, University of Houston receiver, on his coach, John Jenkins: "He treats us like men. He lets us wear earrings." 5. Football commentator and former player Joe Theismann, 1996: "Nobody in football should be called a genius. A genius is a guy like Norman Einstein." 6. Senior basketball player at the University of Pittsburgh : "I'm going to graduate on time, no matter how long it takes." (now that is beautiful) 7 Bill Peterson, a Florida State football coach: "You guys line up alphabetically by height." And, "You guys pair up in groups of three, and then line up in a circle." 8 Boxing promoter Dan Duva on Mike Tyson going to prison: "Why would anyone expect him to come out smarter? He went to prison for three years, not Princeton ." 9. Stu Grimson, Chicago Blackhawks left wing, explaining why he keeps a color photo of himself above his locker: "That's so when I forget how to spell my name, I can still find my clothes." 10. Lou Duva, veteran boxing trainer, on the Spartan training regime of heavyweight Andrew Golota: "He's a guy who gets up at six o'clock in the morning regardless of what time it is." 11. Chuck Nevitt, North Carolina State basketball player, explaining to Coach Jim Valvano why he appeared nervous at practice: "My sister's expecting a baby, and I don't know if I'm going to be an uncle or an aunt." (I wonder if his IQ ever hit room temperature in January) 12. Frank Layden, Utah Jazz president, on a former player: "I told him, 'Son, what is it with you? Is it ignorance or apathy?' He said, "Coach, I don't know and I don't care." 13. Shelby Metcalf, basketball coach at Texas A&M, recounting what he told a player who received four F's and one D: "Son, looks to me like you're spending too much time on one subject." 14. Amarillo High School and Oiler coach Bum Phillips when asked by Bob Costas why he takes his wife on all the road trips, Phillips responded: "Because she is too damn ugly to kiss good-bye." |
There Was More To Miami...Then The Super Bowl.
By now everyone knows the Super Bowl has the first ever, not one, but two black coaches. The half time Show has a Black Star accompanied by the best Black College Band in the World. What's not being mentioned is the Super Bowl is not actually being played in Miami. The stadium is located in the heart of Miami Gardens, South Florida's first newly incorporated city of African American middle to upper class professionals.To top that off, the city not only has an African American Female mayor, but African American Police Chief, City Attorney, City Clerk and the entire City council. So my Brothas and Sisters spread the word . As we watch the big game this day we will truly be ":Representing". City Profile The City of Miami Gardens was incorporated on May 13, 2003, as the 33rd city in Miami-Dade County. At a population of 105,457, it is the third largest city in Miami-Dade County (after Miami and Hialeah). The City is located in North-Central region of the county, mid-way between Fort Lauderdale and Miami, and is easily accessed by I-95, the Palmetto Expressway (SR 826) and the Florida Turnpike. The city comprises approximately 20 square miles. Miami Gardens is home to Dolphin Stadium (used by the Miami Dolphins and the Florida Marlins) and Calder Race Track. It has vibrant commercial corridors along the Palmetto Expressway (serving as the central shopping district for the furniture trade) and along U.S. 441 (serving the automobile trade). The city has rail access through the Florida East Coast Railway and the South Florida Tri-Rail System. Community Profile Miami Gardens is a solid, working and middle class community of unique diversity. It is the largest predominantly African-American municipality in the State of Florida and boasts many Caribbean residents. Population: 105,414 (2004 estimate)African-American: 79% Hispanic: 16% Anglo: 4%Note: Multiple categories preclude 100% total.Households: 29,262 |
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Being Ever So Proud...
I wish to take this moment to express something that is deep and dear to my heart. With all the negativism about children, youth and young adults today. I must express with the highest level of pride, and that is, how much I am so proud of my children. With most of them away from home and structuring their own families and lives (but still keep intact) The two I am speaking highly of at this point are my little princess, India Lavone and Bianca Cornelia Banks. Why? well, When our lives were turned upside down and every which way, after the death of their mother (Isabelle Johnson-Banks) There was no strength that I could turn to but them (and God) Yes, God was there every step of the way. These two were soldiers and warriors through this difficult time. It was their love, hugs, care and constant "I love you daddy" that gave me the strength to carry on. I have never been a quiter but I was tested beyong all limits and became numb to this life here on earth, during this time. But each time I saw their little faces and their smiles knowing that they were so happy to see me and feeling their strong hugs and kisses, gave me that assurance that I HAD to be strong, resiliant and be a true man and father. Since the death, I have been blessed with seeing the two of them do many outstanding things- Sing in the school chorus, play varsity basketball, play the piano in recitals, learn to drive, have a fan club (Bianca) have a boyfriend (India) travel to Canada, go to Washington, DC, get a job (both) go thru the first stages of womenhood (need I say more) and many many other experiences. They are proud of me as a father, not because of my athletic accomplishments but as a daddy and let me know each and every day, how proud and happy they are, that I am their father. I am the most blessed father on this earth and I thank God each and every day for that love that I recieve from them. They are truly special (like all of my kids) for they are the lagacy of their mother that stays alive within us. The compliments that I recieve of their manner and characterfrom other people, makes me even more prouder that others see their growth and love for all mankind and they don't see color in people. India's desire is to be a entrepenur in business and Bianca desire is to be a foreign langauage translater. She (Bianca) already knows sign language. Both, have the look and voice to be the next "American Idol" but they chose not to participate in that circus of wanting to be scrutinized and judged in that way. I didn't want that either for they can sing for their father any time, day or month. India has been my hero many times over, for a child to lose her mother at such a young age is dramatic and tradgic. Bianca, although even more younger at the time, is my little princess and acts as such (some times in a spoiled manner) but she has her head on straight so to speak. They are not perfect by no means and they are still growing and maturing each minute of the hour and day. But, my life has been truly blessed when they came into this earth and I pulled them out from their mothers womb...which I cherish to this very day. I love them so deeply and dearly and because of them...I am free, happy and feel God's love, each and every day through them. If nothing else, love YOUR children with all your heart and let them know that there is no greater love than to have that love be the highest level that God has placed in our hearts. |
Saturday, February 10, 2007
Proud of being an African-American...
Tuesday, February 6, 2007
In Rememberence...
January 31 has past us once more for on this day, our beloved wife, mother and daughter, traveled back to Heaven with our Lord and savior and the All-mighty Father. It has been over a decade since she has ventured back, and our hearts and spirits, miss her each and every day. Words cannot express the sheer loss in our lives that she isn't here with all of us. She touched our lives so deeply and so lovingly. She was our strength, our rock, our inspiration. There will never be another like her....she was unqiue, charming, intelligent and special, all in one. Sometimes I ask why God, did she have to leave us? Our lives changed drastically since her departure, but we have managed to stay strong, loving and together as one.That is what she would have wanted us to do. Isabelle Johnson-Banks was an angel among us and I thank God that he allowed one of His prescious angels to touch our lives, and leave a legacy in our children. Not only was she the most beautifull woman in the world, she gave so much of herself to her family, friends and community. She loved her mother, father, brother, husband (me) and children so deeply, that one could only envy the supreme love she showed and exhibited. In this life, God gives us certain gifts and she was surly the greatest gift I and the family have ever expereinced to this day. |
Monday, February 5, 2007
My Desire for All...
I am sending these wishes to all that read this. I desire that we all take time in our very busy schedules to (1) say a prayer to God and tell him that you love him and that you appreciate all that He has done for you and yours. (2) Tell each and every member of your family how much they mean to you and that you love them as well. (3) Make a mental note to forgive all those that depised against you and caused you harm. (4) Take a breath, relax and tell yourself how much you love YOU. (5) Hug each and every child that you have and kiss them ever so aggressively and don't let them go for at least 3 minutes. (6) Call (or visit) your mother and father and just give them a big kiss for no reason at all (7) Smile and look upward and just feel the goodness of being alive, healthy with shelter, food and love ones (8) Treat yourself to something you wanted for some time and think not of the cost (unless it's a carribean vacation) (9) Give something to a homeless peson, whether it be clothing, food or funds. (10) Remember those that have past on in your life that were close. Smile, cry and acknowledge that they did mean a great deal to you and touched your life in many many ways. In doing that, I am sure that a feeling will come over you that will fill even the faintess of hearts...and remember that YOU are phenonmenal, You are significant and You have many gifts, that still are needed to be exposed. |
J.J. Reddick's Retirment of # 4 at Cameron Indoor Stadium
I attended the ceremony of J.J. Reddick's retirement of his jersey number (4) to the rafters of Cameron Indoor Stadium at Duke University. What an eventful moment for him and I was with envy and joy for the Reddick family. I was pleased to see again, present at the ceremony, former teammates Mike Gminski, Steve Gray and Kenny Dennard. Also present was former Duke great Grant Hill. The current Bluedevils did fall to the Florida State Seminoles basketball team (first time ever beating Duke in Cameron) by one point but all in all, it was quite an eventful evening for all Dukies and alumni players for J.J. Reddick. Oh..did I mention that I had dinner with former Duke women's All-Americans Alana Beard and Monqiue Currie while in Israel? Both are playing in Israel and it was ironic that they were there while I was there being honored.
Men's Breakfast at Morehead Elementary (Greensboro, NC)
This past weekend I was the headline speaker at a men's breakfast at Morehead Elementary shool sponsored by the Morehead Men's Breakfast organization. This organization was organized to honor and support the men (and children) of Morehead in their quest to be exceptional parents, mentors and support servers to the community of the Morehead community. The event was hosted by award winning sports anchor Rich Brenner of Fox8 Television and had an attendance of 600 plus attendees. By far it was one of the most touching events of the year for me. There was musical displays from the students from violin to African drum shows. It truly touched my emotional side for there is so much negative publicity of today's youth that seeing this shows hope, future and love that is still present in today's society.
Honored In Israel
I was voted the best foreign player in Maccabe-Rishon basket history. Maccabe-Rishon is a basketball organization in the Israeli Basketball Federation and I was a participant in the league during the years 1990-to 1994. Rishon Lezion is a city outside of Tel Aviv, just 10-15 kilometers. The team had a magical year during the 1990-91 and 1991-1992 campaign where we challenged for the championship against Israeli Basketball league giant Maccabe-Tel Aviv. I traveled to Israel this past month and was honored as well as reunited with several members of the team of Maccabe-Rishon. The former president (Iassc Peri) was responsible and through the the kindness of his heart, made the trip possible and made it so that he members of the Maccabe-Rishon players, family and staff were together for a ceremonial dinner hosted by him and his wife. it has been 15 years since I had been back to Israel and this honor came at a time that was so spirit-filled. Being back in Israel seeing my friends there was one of the most memorable moments in my life, and I thank Mr. Peri for making this so. The writers, players and fans, I wish to truly thank them from the bottom of my heart. The weather was great and the fans at the game where at halftime the honor was bestowed, were fantastic. I was like a rock star for several days and humbly accept those accolades with God's blessings...truly...it was His will and way that all this became possible. I also connected with several members of the Israeli Basketball federation in forming a connection and bond to support the American Hebrew Academy here in Greensboro, North Carolina. This academy is a new institution in the United States and will be a link to Israeli and American students to form bonds and relationships as well as have students from Israel come to the States to study.
Our Family ...2007
We are truly blessed and thankful for all that we have been given thus far. Even though our lives have been changed thru the passing of our beloved wife, mother and friend (Isabelle) We have maintained and become stronger with God's love and mercy. My daughters, India and Bianca, have been truly wonderful and I am so proud of their maturity, growth and efforts in their academia, character and be responsible young ladies. My son, Gene III (Jr.) has been doing promotional work in the Philly area and continues to be a fine son in his efforts being a strong positive young man. I have been traveling much to countries such as Canada and Israel. Both have been enlightening and spirit-filled. My dad(Eugene, Sr.) is doing well in Philly and continues to keep us abreast of his daily comings and goings. My mom (Barbara) is well and has had a few bouts with high blood pressure but is a strong willed woman...my inspiration. My brother (Rick) has been a truly uplifting person in my life this new millenium. His communications to me on a daily basis, has been truly a spark in my life. My other brother (Darryl) is a proud father of two boys and has commited to being a strong male image to them each ad every day. My mother-in-law (Connie) has been a God spend to the support of raisng my daughters and I thank God for her commitment and love toward them.
Both India and Bianca are attending the University of North Carolina-Greensboro. India is a senior (with another semester to go) studying Business and Bianca is a freshman studying foreign Language. She wants to be an interpeter for the U.N. India's goal is to be an enterprenur in Real Estate. Gene, Jr. desires to be the next "Don King" of promotions (lol)
I am structuring a new development for the city of Greensboro, NC with academics, athletics and fitness thru The Gene Banks League. This non-profit organization was developed to support nad cater to the needs of the community youth. Our goal is to have an established basketball-mentoring program for young males and females thru this league and also cater to the elderly.
Both India and Bianca are attending the University of North Carolina-Greensboro. India is a senior (with another semester to go) studying Business and Bianca is a freshman studying foreign Language. She wants to be an interpeter for the U.N. India's goal is to be an enterprenur in Real Estate. Gene, Jr. desires to be the next "Don King" of promotions (lol)
I am structuring a new development for the city of Greensboro, NC with academics, athletics and fitness thru The Gene Banks League. This non-profit organization was developed to support nad cater to the needs of the community youth. Our goal is to have an established basketball-mentoring program for young males and females thru this league and also cater to the elderly.
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