I was in Durham, NC and visited my alma mater (Duke) and took in a lacrosse game. I gazed across the field and suddenly faded in thought, to the specticle of the Duke Lacrosse situation that some months ago, engulfed this region of the Tar Heel state. But my thoughts didn't venture into the developments of the case, in which has moved further into getting acquitals for the "privilege three boys of blue" or the victim getting her college tution fully paid (Rev. JEsse Jackson's plea) and stop stripping. But it turned to the aftermat of the durham community and what this case has exposed, woke up and made all people take notice-privileged and unprivileged. I remembered watching CNN, MSNBC, Larry King Live and Court T.V; show scores of community leaders (black) standing on the front lawn of the house, in which the alleged incident took place, shouting support for the victim and wanting justice. I was amzed by the hundreds of supporters standing up and out in full media view of not just the state or nation, but the globe. I was dismayed that this action had taken place at the school in which I spent 1, 460 days of my life, while obtaining more life training skills. Then I ventured into finding out more. Like, the crime rate in Durham (which is very high), the educational scores and ratings of the schools (which is very suspect and poor). Unemployment and race relations and then ...gangs. Yes, gangs are have taken some control of the "Bull City" at a rate that has instilled not just fear in neighboring communities, but high priority and concern. So I thought, "why aren't those same people and groups (Affairs of Black People) that stood in the front of that house of the accused, raise the same voices and anger, at the matters that I stated earlier? Ministers, district leaders, activist, etc; all jumped with their support before gaining all the facts and getting all the details of the situation. Most of the information that was giving out (or leaked) seem to have come from Durham prosecutor Mike Nifong. Being that an election was right around the corner (May 2, 2006), I am sure that Nifong had an agenda to make this his strong statement of "getting justice" and making the non-privileged see that he was for them against the privileged (Duke) Nifong was going to take on Rome with his septure and cap, wthout having the truth and facts stand along with him. What is the truth of this scenerio? Who truly knows what really went on at 610 North Buchanan Boulevard except for the girls, players and those in attendance? While the case was being built by Nifong with duck tape, mirrors and a staple gun, the rest of Durham was STILL in chaos with gangs, declining educational system and unemployment. There were (and still aren't) any ministers or groups, holding press conferences or marches for those matters that seemed dire strait. The Rev. Jesse Jackson strongly committed to supporting the alleged victim in her educational financial responsibilities, but didn't open to commit to other young ladies that need educational support and resources in Durham, that are not stripping or going door to door "dropping it like it's hot" at $400 dollars a piece. I am upset, puzzled and deeply saddened because, now the circus has "left the building" and more of the truth of the scenerio is coming out. The one's that were in the presences of the news cameras are no where to be found all of a sudden! And even more, have become completely silent, since it has been told of Nifong's mismanagement in handling this case. Nifong is now on trial for his behavior, conduct and manner of ethics of the handling of this case. . Let me make this perfrectly clear, if those young lads did what was said they did, they should be burned at the stakes, ridiculed and for a length of time, be labeled. But it is clearly being exposed that there was less likely a chance of a rape, than what Nifong tried to prosecute them on.
Raping some one is a major offense to anyone's being, especially a young lady in her early adulthood. This is not a race issue, that is a moral issue. Several indicments have been dropped recently and more facts are coming out of the supposivebly victims character and actions of that night. Even Duke's admiinistration and President dropped the ball in quickly expeling the three young men before the trial took full affect. But I am not on that topic...I am only expressing, that Durham has many major issues that need tending to immediately and since CNN, MCNBC and Larry King Live don't feel that those issues aren't news worthy, it sure is community worthy of getting resolutions and complete attention and action.
Captain Seligman and his three commadants, should be given the benefit to have all the facts presented and accounted for before sentencing and given the overzealous guilty charge. The trial is still in the pre-stages and there is likely not going to be a trial.
Duke Lacosse is back (after a one-year hiatus), Nifong is awaiting his own trial for his mismanagement and the alleged victim...has left the building
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