How can someone who is in a country, illegally protest on rights and the constitution, when they are not even citizens or legal? Then my blood began to boil when I saw many of the illegal (and legal) immigrants burning the flag or taking down the American flag and replacing it wth the Mexico flag. Oooo and then! The news media interviewed several of the illegals and listened to their rants and raves, of certain bills and ammendments, that were going to be casted or voted on. Wow! what an issue!
Now, being an African-American in this United States, I first took the stand to defend and lash out. Then, I took a little history lesson and began to read up on the beginnings and developnment of our "great" country. We as a nation, tend to forget that Mexico was somewhat taken over (parts of it) by us (Texas, Arizona regions) Remember the Alamo! We must remember surly of several historical events, that have lead us to our present day situation. Maybe not. We must also remember that during the early wars (WWI, WWII) many Hispanics were brought into this country, due to our men going off to war and there was a lack of man power in the states, so they imported workers (as far back in the 50's) Now in this new millenium, the numbers are extrordinarily high with illegal immigrants. North Carolina alone has an estimated 1.5 million illegals minimum.
Why isn't it so, that there are not many that live in the areas of high influence? Well, we know that answer. Those that are privileged don't want them in their communities and will not ALLOW them to reside in their communities. They block that process before it is a thought or even mentioned. To most illegal immigrants, there is not even a question of why they can't live in those areas because ...IT WON"T HAPPEN! So why doe it happen in the African-American communities? One assertion is, the community black leaders are always a step behind and don't act in knowing of who and what is coming into their communities. That's right! I said it! Ok...I am sure that I am going to hear it from our so-called "black leaders" of the community...Yeah right! whatever, for no one even structures a community forum to discuss either to welcome or reject any movement in the black community. Who am I to question this transaction of immigration? Well, my answer is, I am a tax payer, a full fledge citizen and have rights to know who and what is living in my community. Please let me state, I love ALL people, All creeds, All nationalities and respect people's religious beliefs. everyone should be allowed to practice their religion and nurture their culture. My belief is, we are all children of God. But this is truly a governmental mess that now has come back to haunt this nation " The chicken's have come home to roost" taking a famous quote from a legendary American (Malcom X) I love the Hispanic culture and love what they have brought to society as a whole.
The cliche' that many Americans (or blacks) won't do the jobs that the Hispanics are doing, has some merit but also some polictical horse manure to it. At one time, bricklaying was only done by Blacks in many of the inner-city and rural areas of North Carolina (as well as other rgions in teh USA). I know, for my father-in-law was a bricklayer (a damn good one I might add) and shared with me the stories of his craft and the manner of how it was in his day (late 50's early 60's) Construction was also done by craftmen Blacks (and Whites) during those early years and now, it is predomenitely seen done by Hispanics. This job is clearly one that has risen in a good pay scale ($15-$25 dollars an hour) Ok...so the MAN doesn't have to pay heath benefits, hmmmmm..interesting. Also, many of the Hispanics are getting low scale pay (some 1/2 of ) and that is another reason for the turn over of employment for Hispanics. But they aren't fretting...They have JOBS amigo! And where they came from , the poverty level is somewhat third-world and truly inhumane.
Hey, no fuss on that one, for Hispanics have clearly shown to be exceptional workers and you can't question effort and work ethics. My problem is, every day I see able Black men (and White men) standing on the corners or at places (Urban Ministries) looking for work and there is none.
-stay toned for Part II (The governments creation of this influx; USA and Mexico)
1 comment:
Yea yea - right guess... who else could it be but me, yes?
(Breathe Kiki.... breathe!)
Here it goes - once more.
I think along with US Citizens that have a right to fret upon their Government about all of these immigration issues (legal or illegal), I am one that can speak from own experience.
So here are my two cents worth:
First off, let me start by saying that I believe the official language of the United States of America has been and still is ENGLISH. It is not Spanish, French or German, Hindu or Chinese or any other language spoken under this sun. Therefore ANYONE that even considers living in the US should be required to READ, SPEAK and WRITE this language. US Citizens shouldn't have to be required to cater to other peoples language needs just because they don't understand the native language here. I had to do it coming from Germany, so what makes it any different for anyone else?
Love me - love my dog is a pretty famous saying, and that statement fits very well for anyone that is not American citizen wanting to live here. Different countries - different rules. Adapt to it or go back to where you came from. No one forces you (or me) to stay here, so just get with the concept!
I am pretty sure that your own country has its own rules as well, that everybody has to follow that sets foot on their soil. Same issues here. I can completely understand that one wants to have a better life for their children, their families and get out of poverty and circumstances that are beyond some of our imaginations.
But there is a right way and a wrong way to do it. And if it can't be done the right way, then maybe there is another step that can be taken: Stay in your country and do your part to make a change!
Now - if I can see a willingness to adapt and to learn, and to do what it takes to be here legally - that is a different story. But just to sneak in here and starting to live like this country owes you something, is certainly not the right approach!
This is not the land of milk and honey either, but we all know that there are worse places out there to live on this planet too. The art here is to make it your land of milk and honey the right way...
So now the question to everybody is: what can "We the people" do to change this situation? Complaining is of course always easy and it seems like we all do that, but can we unify and make a positive change that benefits all of us?
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