When one needs forgiveness, there is only one way to get that forgiveness. First, one must, admit their fault, wrong or Sin. Then, that person must have that spiritual base and go straight to the Father in prayer, sincerely, and ask for the forgiveness he/she seeks. We might not think that He forgives us, but the Lord has said that He would and He ALWAYS...keeps His promise and Word. I have been so blessed to have His forgiveness many times over. And He said He would forgive us, if that plea is from the heart and sincere. God knows our heart deeply and truly and He wants us not to bear pain or hurt, no more than we can bear. In this time of my life, I have been tested beyound question and belief. With the lost of love ones, by death and by other means. My spirit is spent and shattled. I am at the end of my rope of faith, but I do believe that His Will, will be done, for the best of my (our) interest. So, I ask you, for your forgiveness, if I have done anything to have caused you hurt, pain or harm.I have already ask the Father for His undying love and mercy and grace, to forgive all that I have done or any Sins that I have committed.
If we truly believe in Him and His words, we will not lose faith in knowing, that His power is ever so strong and true. With today's society illustrating the "Last Days" and people changing their manner of love to hate, it is more evident, that we call upon His name and ask for His love, grace and forgiveness. I need Him now, as I have always needed Him and I have called upon Him, to soothe that which is in my spirit.
I want so much to be the Lord's warrior and stand for rightiousness and I am so fortunate that I have someone, that loves and knows me.
Do you know Him? Do you pray to Him? Do you praise Him? Do you go to the Lord and ask for forgiveness, for the things that you have done or the Sins that you have committed? Take it from me, He hears and knows your thoughts, it just takes YOU...to make that decision, to talk and pray to Him and recieve your forgiveness ...and Blessings.
I love you all, as He would want me to love each and everyone.
God bless you and may your heart be happy and your spirit filled...with His love.
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