I had this in my spirit, to share more of my trip to Israel, that I took a few weeks ago. I didn't get the chance to really share of the wonderful time I spent there. Being invited back to be apart of a fantastic event (Israel Final Four Basketball Championships) I was also invited and took part in a missionary moment traveling to northern Israel (
Migdol Lemit-next to Nazareth) and met an extraordinary man and servant of God-Rabbi Rabbi Grossman.
Rabbi Grossman created a community, where he took in 5,000 undesirable young boys and girls-gave them homes and nurtured them in a structural environment. I was astounded of the huge impact that he has made on this community and the country as a whole. He is considered like a male Mother Teresa. The NBA along with the Israeli Federation, asked me to take part in this venture and for me, it was a spiritual renewal and an honor for me. The famous Doc. J (Julius Erving) and Rick Barry, were the chosen ones, representing the NBA Out-Reach program and I, along with Korky Nelson, Dorom Jamcy and several other Israeli basketball icons
were included.
After a 2 hour bus ride from Tel Aviv, along the coast line passing Cesarea and several Palestinian and Jewish settlements, I was taken back of my days when I drove this same coast line, time and time again, while living here and playing, in my time back in 1990 till 1994.
Once we arrived, we were welcomed with a lovely brunch and conference room meeting where the Rabbi finally graced his appearance. The moment he walked into the room, I sense a presences of spiritual royalty and an energy like I haven't felt in some time. After a brief introduction of the community and sharing tales of Rabbi's beginnings, I was soothed feeling I was blessed, to be in this atmosphere and experiencing this.
I cannot express how truly filled I was to be also in the presences of Dr. J. and Rick Barry, both of whom I have admired and played against (only Doc.) and being apart of history. I had never seen a side of Doc. J's humility where he shared a touching side of his upbringing and trials as a lad in his growth. Rick brought along his family and it showed how wonderful a man he is and what sense of family and love for them that he held strongly. I must also add, the food was
FANTASTIC!After a few visits to the surrounding community, we were honored with hearing the young kids choir and welcomed to a Bar Mitzfah of a young lad of the director of the mission. They sang like Heavenly angels and I was taken with tears.
The final stage was a basketball clinic given by us to the community and it was truly a wonder and fulfilling. This is what I truly enjoy and love doing- touching lives of youth and what better place, than at this community and in the Holy Land. Even the Rabbi took a shot or two and was impressive in his debut of round ball skills. The 500 plus boys and girls were very receptive to our teaching basketball and lectures on sports and life and getting involved and being able to touch these kids and feel their hearts...was so enlightening. I will never forget this-Ever!
In conclusion, I a intimate moment with the Rabbi and he sense in me some unease and trials. I was taken back of his insight and words of wisdom as well as prayer, into my state of affairs. If felt like he knew of my dilemma and struggles. His words to me, which I will never forget were...
"Geno, I feel in you, a special presences of the Lord God within your heart is your biggest asset to showing God's love to people of all creeds, races and colors. Continue on, and know that He is with you and will carry you through." These words made me feel so special and love and gave me the needed strength, to further give my God (and Savior) my dedication, my worship and my love to Him, that has given me everything ...along with His son, Jesus Christ.
Sometimes it takes words to reiterate what we deep down in our souls know anyway. If anyone who has ever met you -in person or not- does not see that you have a special connection with God and are being used by Him as a mighty tool, then that person has never met you!
Your committment to continue to be a positive influence especially to kids never amazed me, for people like you and I feel it in their deepest spirit that this is what God has appointed us to do.
I am so blessed to know such a special person like you. Thank you for not tiring in your good deeds!
He will reward His children that are pure at heart. Get ready to reap your harvest, because it will be coming!!
It is very interesting that I had it on my heart today to Google Gene Banks and see if I could find a way to contact him and give him a small amount of encouragement and I found this blog.
I was a camp councilor at a sports camp in Ontario called "Olympia sports camp" in the mid 80's. At that time I had a lot going on for a 16 year old. although I was a Christian; I was experiencing some significant trials (my parents had split and moved to different sides of the country and I was left to make my way on my own). One of my trials was that of being financially unstable and trying to make good decisions on how to spend the money that I had.
Well; that summer mid way through I had worn a hole clear through both soles of my Converse basketball shoes and was daily wrapping them with duct tape to avoid burning holes in my socks when I pivoted.
Gene Banks came to the camp that summer and he just seemed to care for the campers and it was a genuine care, not just an appearence. He also talked with me and asked me about me and "listened". It was huge for me to have that type of care especially from a "celebrity'.
The end of the story should be that a week or so after Gene left the camp, a package arrived for me. (this was a first, I had never recieved any mail before). In the package was a brand new pair of Converse shoes that Gene had sent me to replace my worn out pair. The shoes were awesome! (the cool thing is that they were not signed or anything, they were sent to me for me to wear them. They were not his size and I think he got them from a teammate and sent them to me. How thoughtful especially after he had already left the camp).
But that is not the end of the story. It is now over 20 years later and I still remember how his kindness effected me. I still have those shoes and probably will keep them forever. They have been worn for more games than I could count and are now worn, but they are a gift that I will always remember.
I now am very aware of the impact that we as adults can make in the lives of children and teenagers by simply showing genuine care and by showing the love of Jesus.
I hope that Gene reads this and is encouraged. Thank you from John Walkinshaw for what you did and who you are. It is great to read that you are still active in using your gifts to impact young lives.
Keep on...keeping on.
Thanks so much for that. I truly appreciate those words and it has uplifted me greatly.
Hope all is well and that you are living life to the fullest.
God bless you and yours and know that you are in my prayers and thoughts. Much love always.
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