Let me please openly state. I am not against any Republican or against the party. I am not one that is in a crazy frenzy of blind support of a particular party. Yes, I am a Democrat. Been since I registered right out of college. My choice of being a Democrat, was due to the compassion of the parties concern for minorities, underprivileged and racial concerns. The Repubs have a record of not showing that compassion through the years and have continued their policies, agenda and way. In choosing-I chose the Democratic Party. I like seeing African-Americans join and be involved in the Republican Party, to give more insight to the plight of African-Americans and minorities. Remember, Abraham Lincoln was a Republican. I don't like this division, for it confirms the statement..." a house divided, will not stand". We are "All" Americans...no matter what party we are in or with.
Now, back to Sarah Palin. I am totally distressed and completely shaken by this appointment by the Republicans. Why her? Since her consideration, she has become a rock star, a media darling and every ones front page story. I am a true advocate of women's achievements and accomplishments. It has been long over due, that a woman has been asked to be in this position. Women have made remarkable strides and achievements and I am proud of all women, no matter what race, creed or color. But this choice, was not sound, good or respectable. Why not? Because they are playing on the minds and spirit of a country, that is in dispair, confused and hurt from the last two terms of George W. This is Sarah's time (fifteen minutes of fame) and she is loving it and playing the role better than Oscar award winning Meryl Streep. Take time to check her record and then you decide. Remember, Alaska is one of the 50 states, but is it creditable to her record to co-run the USA?
The Republicans have an agenda that they pushed and stand by. Experience has been mentioned in the fact that, her party says that she has "experience." This is the same party that said that Barack Obama doesn't have "experience." Sarah Palin could well be the president of the United States of America, if anything happens to John McCain if they are elected. Wow! something to think about huh? Then the major up roar of her daughter having a child out of wedlock. hmmmm, the Repubs spoke strongly against this type of behavior and now embracing it. Because she was a beauty queen, doesn't disqualify her for being the Vice-President. (can we say-Ronald Reagan-actor, Jesse Ventura-wrestler)
Now the conclusion, I am appalled because of the reaction of the American people (mostly the blue state folks, white-woman and Hillary supporters) are cheering and acting like this is the second-coming, of a person that has several issues that would cause them to be a liability, if she was in any other party besides the Repubs. They have spun a web and everyone is being caught up in it like zombies and brainwashed children. And the sad part is- Sarah Palin is swimming in it and loving it without hesitation. Obama and Biden have a difficult task in testing and hitting her about her record and abilities, because everyone will feel that they are being sexist against her. How can anyone pick a partner and not know them but by one or two times in conversation. It's all a game. A game of politics and it has gone to the lowest and deepest level at a time where our country is in trouble. Remember, the Repubs have been in control (with the Commander-in-Chief) for the last 8 years. I've talked enough, said all that I need to say...the only thing left to bring this all to a head is- "bring on Hillary" to confront this idiotic notion, that this woman is qualified to be the next Vice-President of the United States. Hillary is the key in this beginning battle before November and she is...a qualified leader.
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