Do we believe that McCain is the prototype of George W; which would give us 4 more years of a portion if not all of Bush's policies and procedures?
Or...do we believe that Obama is just the right touch for the nation,that is need of healing due to the last 8 years of this administration, that has crippled the nation.
The issues are up front and exposed of the economy. Wall Street is just one of major complications that has given this nation a wake-up call. So we are to just allowed the Wall Streeters to be rescued with 700 Billion plus dollars, when there is still Homelessness and major governmental programs for the middle and lower classes, that need support. Why not give these programs 700 Billion to support our nation and help our youth and elderly, the way we should and are perceive to do.

Now, Obama. What story can be more American than his? What diversity can be more in touch with America than his? With the nation boldly showing it's still manner of racism of " I won't vote for him because he is black" attitude, shows, that we have still a long way to go. Wow, It's ok for George W. to have done and do what he has and have half the globe, angry at us and lose jobs overseas, shake up the economy, go after WMD in a country that WE help nurture and murder a dictator. Even still, those that are living in rural areas have the same sentiments of racism and those that are privileged, are not going to give up their piece of the pie, that they have been enjoying. Ignorance is amongst us and flowing. As the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr; said, we as Black folk must still work twice as hard and act in an appropriate manner that is acceptable to the standards that were set. Not like our today's Hip-Hop generation, where calling your woman and mothers Bitches and Ho's. Where nigger is an everyday comment out of the mouths of babies.

I am not against Republicans, for every group and organization, has a right to govern their respected teams due to the Constitution. I am happy to see Black Republicans in their group even though I am a Democrat. I feel that the more Republicans that are represented of each creed, race or color, helps give an insight to the needs and voice of that respect group. I am not at all happy with the Democrats of my party either. They too faulter in getting it right, on the many issues that are among us. Politics is politics...but people are people, no matter what color they are. They all are suffering the same through this economy.

Do we need change? Are you kidding?
Do we need leadership that cares for the nation and world? Most definitely.
Do we need McCain? I don't feel at all comfortable with his desired leadership.
Do we need a VP like Sarah Palin? To me, it is still the biggest joke told or done by the Republicans.
Do we need Obama? There hasn't been a president more solely needed at this juncture and time than one, such as Barack Obama.
So go vote, because it is a right and a privilege (due to the many that died for us to have that right) and make your voices heard loudly. For God is watching us and the last days are steadily coming upon us...minute by minute-hour by hour and day by day.