Ok...we have heard the rhetoric. We have heard the attacks. We have even heard who owns what and has what, compared to the rest of the nation. Obama has a mansion on the south side and McCain has 7 houses. Obama voted against this and that and McCain voted for 95% of Bush's policies and agendas. Now, the new theme is called "Change" which was adopted and created by Obama and THEN...taken and revised by McCain (go figure)
Do we believe that McCain is the prototype of George W; which would give us 4 more years of a portion if not all of Bush's policies and procedures?
Or...do we believe that Obama is just the right touch for the nation,that is need of healing due to the last 8 years of this administration, that has crippled the nation.
The issues are up front and exposed of the economy. Wall Street is just one of major complications that has given this nation a wake-up call. So we are to just allowed the Wall Streeters to be rescued with 700 Billion plus dollars, when there is still Homelessness and major governmental programs for the middle and lower classes, that need support. Why not give these programs 700 Billion to support our nation and help our youth and elderly, the way we should and are perceive to do.
Why are some many immigrants coming to America, especially Mexican and Hispanic? Like everyone else that has come to this country, they look for the right of freedom and a better way of life. Not just Hispanics, but others as well from other nations. It is just the influx of many, that has the nation aware. Hispanics have a right to a better life and if we stand for that-so be it. The problem is that, now, the other minorities have been pushed back in their quest for a better life. Hispanics are energized to take advantage of these opportunities and we must admit, have been exceptional in doing so. This also has added "spice" to our country and nation and added to the diversity of all cultures that are already entwined. Italians, Polish, Jewish, German, Russian and Africans, are not the only ones that lay claim to this procedure. The other fact is- Hispanics (some) have moved directly into lower income neighborhoods, without the knowledge of those that live there. There should be at least a forum or discussion of these movements, of such magnitude. I fault the community leaders of such a blunder and lack of insight of these movements. The "man" isn't going to ask them if they can do it..."He" just does it and doesn't care what the African-American community thinks and could care less. African-Americans are also at fault. We lackadaisically stumble along and see things happening and do nothing about it and then complain of the action that was set forth. Another thing is we (African-Americans) have not taken care of our communities like we should. Fact being, there is a lack of pride of those lower income communities and a less-than-caring attitude. Our elected officials (who are black) tend to wear blinders and not even address the issue. Enough said, Hispanics are here to stay but they were here anyway before the mast influx. So they ARE...American (so to speak, the one's that were here) Because they didn't come through Ellis Island doesn't make them less than others that came through Ellis Island.
Now, Obama. What story can be more American than his? What diversity can be more in touch with America than his? With the nation boldly showing it's still manner of racism of " I won't vote for him because he is black" attitude, shows, that we have still a long way to go. Wow, It's ok for George W. to have done and do what he has and have half the globe, angry at us and lose jobs overseas, shake up the economy, go after WMD in a country that WE help nurture and murder a dictator. Even still, those that are living in rural areas have the same sentiments of racism and those that are privileged, are not going to give up their piece of the pie, that they have been enjoying. Ignorance is amongst us and flowing. As the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr; said, we as Black folk must still work twice as hard and act in an appropriate manner that is acceptable to the standards that were set. Not like our today's Hip-Hop generation, where calling your woman and mothers Bitches and Ho's. Where nigger is an everyday comment out of the mouths of babies.
I can go on, and on, and on and on....but I won't. I am tired of this procedure of debates and tired of seeing the negative ads daily from both candidates. We know what shape this country is in and who help make it so. We know what is needed and where they are needed. We also know that this is only adding to a division of our nation to levels unseen since the height of slavery days.
I am not against Republicans, for every group and organization, has a right to govern their respected teams due to the Constitution. I am happy to see Black Republicans in their group even though I am a Democrat. I feel that the more Republicans that are represented of each creed, race or color, helps give an insight to the needs and voice of that respect group. I am not at all happy with the Democrats of my party either. They too faulter in getting it right, on the many issues that are among us. Politics is politics...but people are people, no matter what color they are. They all are suffering the same through this economy.
Do we need change? Are you kidding?
Do we need leadership that cares for the nation and world? Most definitely.
Do we need McCain? I don't feel at all comfortable with his desired leadership.
Do we need a VP like Sarah Palin? To me, it is still the biggest joke told or done by the Republicans.
Do we need Obama? There hasn't been a president more solely needed at this juncture and time than one, such as Barack Obama.
So go vote, because it is a right and a privilege (due to the many that died for us to have that right) and make your voices heard loudly. For God is watching us and the last days are steadily coming upon us...minute by minute-hour by hour and day by day.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Sarah Palin- Politics, Games and Our Next leader?
This election has taken a turn, that has tested all our abilities of common sense, intellect and comprehension. The Republicans (John McCain) have chosen a unknown elected official from their group by the name of Sarah Palin. No one had any idea of this choice and if one were to bet their mortgage on the choice of the Republicans-she would not have been that choice. But due to the Democratic Conventions successful showing in Colorado and Obama surge and celebrity, the Repubs came from way out in left field (no outer space) in the choice of Sarah Palin of Alaska.
Let me please openly state. I am not against any Republican or against the party. I am not one that is in a crazy frenzy of blind support of a particular party. Yes, I am a Democrat. Been since I registered right out of college. My choice of being a Democrat, was due to the compassion of the parties concern for minorities, underprivileged and racial concerns. The Repubs have a record of not showing that compassion through the years and have continued their policies, agenda and way. In choosing-I chose the Democratic Party. I like seeing African-Americans join and be involved in the Republican Party, to give more insight to the plight of African-Americans and minorities. Remember, Abraham Lincoln was a Republican. I don't like this division, for it confirms the statement..." a house divided, will not stand". We are "All" Americans...no matter what party we are in or with.
Now, back to Sarah Palin. I am totally distressed and completely shaken by this appointment by the Republicans. Why her? Since her consideration, she has become a rock star, a media darling and every ones front page story. I am a true advocate of women's achievements and accomplishments. It has been long over due, that a woman has been asked to be in this position. Women have made remarkable strides and achievements and I am proud of all women, no matter what race, creed or color. But this choice, was not sound, good or respectable. Why not? Because they are playing on the minds and spirit of a country, that is in dispair, confused and hurt from the last two terms of George W. This is Sarah's time (fifteen minutes of fame) and she is loving it and playing the role better than Oscar award winning Meryl Streep. Take time to check her record and then you decide. Remember, Alaska is one of the 50 states, but is it creditable to her record to co-run the USA?
The Republicans have an agenda that they pushed and stand by. Experience has been mentioned in the fact that, her party says that she has "experience." This is the same party that said that Barack Obama doesn't have "experience." Sarah Palin could well be the president of the United States of America, if anything happens to John McCain if they are elected. Wow! something to think about huh? Then the major up roar of her daughter having a child out of wedlock. hmmmm, the Repubs spoke strongly against this type of behavior and now embracing it. Because she was a beauty queen, doesn't disqualify her for being the Vice-President. (can we say-Ronald Reagan-actor, Jesse Ventura-wrestler)
Now the conclusion, I am appalled because of the reaction of the American people (mostly the blue state folks, white-woman and Hillary supporters) are cheering and acting like this is the second-coming, of a person that has several issues that would cause them to be a liability, if she was in any other party besides the Repubs. They have spun a web and everyone is being caught up in it like zombies and brainwashed children. And the sad part is- Sarah Palin is swimming in it and loving it without hesitation. Obama and Biden have a difficult task in testing and hitting her about her record and abilities, because everyone will feel that they are being sexist against her. How can anyone pick a partner and not know them but by one or two times in conversation. It's all a game. A game of politics and it has gone to the lowest and deepest level at a time where our country is in trouble. Remember, the Repubs have been in control (with the Commander-in-Chief) for the last 8 years. I've talked enough, said all that I need to say...the only thing left to bring this all to a head is- "bring on Hillary" to confront this idiotic notion, that this woman is qualified to be the next Vice-President of the United States. Hillary is the key in this beginning battle before November and she is...a qualified leader.
Saturday, August 30, 2008
OBAMA...A Special Spirit Amongst Us.
After watching the Democratic Convention, held in Denver, Colorado this past week, I was compelled to write a brief comment of this very important election coming up this year. I have not been captivated by any election, except for the Democratic Convention back in 1984, when the Rev. Jesse Jackson was a candidate and the first (male) Black, highly considered. His speech was electrifying and powerful. So strong that I witnessed Anglo's, Italian's, Asians, Hispanics (to name few) that were Americans, shed tears of this powerful moment in history. The only thing that missed the mark, was his nomination. I felt, and it was to evident, that race, was the factor and he was too Pro-Black (minority) for America, at that time. Now, some 24 years later, another moment has risen to a much needed country, that needs unity and solidarity of all Americans. Even in politics, there comes one, that rises above and is shown to the masses, to lead and bring pros parity to our nation-that person is Barack Obama.
I have been very impressed with this Senator of Illinois and have grown each and every day, to trust and feel his message and reason for his campaign. Simplicity is a needed must today and the leaders (Republicans) have taken this country in a downward spiral toward depths not known since the Depression. There are many that doubt his abilities, even amongst the African-American nation. But there is a reason for his rise to this particular stage and time. Let me make some points:
The Choice For V.P.
With the finalization of the "Battle of Clinton Hill"; many felt that a dream ticket to defeat the Republican candidate John McCain would have been Hilary Clinton-Barack Obama or Obama-Clinton. No doubt, this ticket would have rocked the nation an unified all Americans, especially with the current state of the economy and disgruntled allies. But Hillary showed her political savvy and nasty side of trying to win "By Any Means Necessary!" After witnessing this debacle and manner, I was truly turned off and disappointed in this manner of tactics and attacks. The Clinton's are Congress smart and know how to play the game in Washington, but during this campaign for the nomination, something came out that showed her disabilities and nature, in obtaining the seat as the premier candidate for the Democratic presidency nomination. I am still shaken of the many comments (sound bites) of attacks against Obama from Hillary. Even at the convention, she STILL...spoke as to make sure that she is still a highly considered opponent against the Republicans and the one, that could lead the party forward. The speech was nice, strong and appropriate but still had that manner of arrogance. Joseph Robinette "Joe" Biden, the senior Senator of Delaware, was the logical and smart choice to be the running mate of soon-to-be President Barack Obama. Born and raised in Scranton, Pennsylvania for ten years prior to moving to Delaware, Biden trained as a lawyer and became a senator in 1973 at age 30, the fifth-youngest senator in U.S. history. He has served as chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, dealing with issues related to drug policy, crime prevention, and civil liberties. He is a long-time member and current chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee and has worked on resolutions concerning the Yugoslav wars and Iraq War. Let the record speak for itself (enough said) of his duties, service and character in Washington, over the last two decades or more. Not saying that Hillary would have been a bad choice, but she showed what she was about in the campaign fight, that she had with Obama and I am sure that, there was some nerves were touched, in the attacks. I would have voted for Mrs. Clinton (before Obama) came on the scene and even after, but I was taken by his approach and straight-forward plan for the nation as a whole.
The Republicans:
For the last two terms (two scores) the Republican party has had the nation with a firm grip on all matters. They controlled the house, the control congress and had the leader that they saw fit, to lead this nation. What we got was a silver-spoon fed aristocrat, following in the foot steps of his father, leading a nation, without the care or knowledge of his abilities (and disabilities) and didn't really care. The economy is ruptured. Gas prices and oil companies have risen and making gross profits, while everyday Americans suffer. The outside world and allies, have grown discontent toward our nation. And the blunders that have occured, have been unbelievable...can we say Iraqi! I am amazed in conversation with friends that are Republicans, how they defend President George W. and his policies and how the nation is in torment at this very moment. With the Democratic Party normally having the support of the African-American vote, I was discontent of it's behavior toward African-Americans as taking for granted it's support and sacrifice. I am happy to see other African-Americans involved in the Republican party. I like to see every one have their choice in what organization or party they see fit to be involved in-for a better America. I am not on par or agreement of the many policies and plans, that they covenant and for that, I wish to see more African-Americans be more involved in giving them an in depth view of minorities and the less fortunate voice. It ills me to see an African-American (or anybody) stand up and praise the efforts of the Republican party of their gross negligence of "all" peoples needs, especially those that are in need. They too, are Americans, that go to war and fight for this nation and for our freedoms and rights. I am not saying that the Dems are right. For they too have ill me as well, but not as much as the elephants. This nation is a mess and there is no one to blame but George W. and the Republicans at this time and date.
The Race Factor:
There is no doubt that race is in the grasp of the thoughts of many in America. For the Blacks, it is a representative that has long been desired and visualize by the late great Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. But Dr. King believed in getting to the equality level stage for all Americans, not just blacks and have a level playing field or equality an rights. Being that it was the Civil Rights movement and Blacks all across the nation was victimized by matters of segregation and discrimination, they (us) were the poster child of this ill-fate time in our history. Can we say Jim Crow. Ok...so Obama is Black. But he had to go through the same process, as all other politicians, to get to the place to even be considered or taken serious. He had to deliver and produce and get things done, within his jurisdiction and province. And he did! Even after his speech, several prominent African-Americans with Ph.D's and Master Degrees, were not fully pleased with the speech, due to Obama not being more forceful, in bringing up more historical Black issues or saying Dr. Kings name openly. I see what Obama is doing and feel what he has to do. I too agree somewhat, that he could have been mentioned openly prominent civil right disciples, that have given their lives for rights, equality and respect as Americans. But there is more to this campaign this time around where there is a need for true unity amongst "all" people. Like Obama said, "This is not about me, this is about -you!"
In Conclusion:
I feel blessed to be around to see this all materialize and come to pass. To see a African-American rise to this plateau and be seen as a serious contender for the most powerful position on this earth. I have supported the past presidents and some I didn't voted for but still considered them -my president, due to the process. All have been white and I cared not for that they were white or any color. I cared that they would take this country in the direction that was needed and be what we have grown to be-Ambassadors of the Globe. I am proud to be an American. I am proud in being an African-American, the same as an Italian-American, Polish-American, Anglo-American, etc. My being taught (by my mom and dad) were to love all people for their character, being and love for others. It didn't matter what color they were. Yes, I know of the discrimination and prejudice of the early days of slavery and after. I know of the ill attitudes of whites in the south and the nation-then and still now. But that doesn't allow me the right to act or respond in kind-with malice, anger and hate, even if it is justified from those past deeds. I am confident enough and smart enough to rise above that manner of behavior and appreciate the sacrifices that many made for me, to achieve any success or greatness, that I have obtained. Many Blacks gave their lives, for me to have a better life. But we must not forget, many whites (and other groups) also gave their lives...so that we would rise above the evils of discrimination and prejudice. We all pray to one God...no matter how you slice it and dice it. There are no separate Heavens, we are all going to either of the same two places- Heaven ...or Hell...and there are no sign that says - "Whites this way- Blacks that way" when your time comes, to venture from this plane to the next.
I have been very impressed with this Senator of Illinois and have grown each and every day, to trust and feel his message and reason for his campaign. Simplicity is a needed must today and the leaders (Republicans) have taken this country in a downward spiral toward depths not known since the Depression. There are many that doubt his abilities, even amongst the African-American nation. But there is a reason for his rise to this particular stage and time. Let me make some points:
The Choice For V.P.
With the finalization of the "Battle of Clinton Hill"; many felt that a dream ticket to defeat the Republican candidate John McCain would have been Hilary Clinton-Barack Obama or Obama-Clinton. No doubt, this ticket would have rocked the nation an unified all Americans, especially with the current state of the economy and disgruntled allies. But Hillary showed her political savvy and nasty side of trying to win "By Any Means Necessary!" After witnessing this debacle and manner, I was truly turned off and disappointed in this manner of tactics and attacks. The Clinton's are Congress smart and know how to play the game in Washington, but during this campaign for the nomination, something came out that showed her disabilities and nature, in obtaining the seat as the premier candidate for the Democratic presidency nomination. I am still shaken of the many comments (sound bites) of attacks against Obama from Hillary. Even at the convention, she STILL...spoke as to make sure that she is still a highly considered opponent against the Republicans and the one, that could lead the party forward. The speech was nice, strong and appropriate but still had that manner of arrogance. Joseph Robinette "Joe" Biden, the senior Senator of Delaware, was the logical and smart choice to be the running mate of soon-to-be President Barack Obama. Born and raised in Scranton, Pennsylvania for ten years prior to moving to Delaware, Biden trained as a lawyer and became a senator in 1973 at age 30, the fifth-youngest senator in U.S. history. He has served as chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, dealing with issues related to drug policy, crime prevention, and civil liberties. He is a long-time member and current chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee and has worked on resolutions concerning the Yugoslav wars and Iraq War. Let the record speak for itself (enough said) of his duties, service and character in Washington, over the last two decades or more. Not saying that Hillary would have been a bad choice, but she showed what she was about in the campaign fight, that she had with Obama and I am sure that, there was some nerves were touched, in the attacks. I would have voted for Mrs. Clinton (before Obama) came on the scene and even after, but I was taken by his approach and straight-forward plan for the nation as a whole.
The Republicans:
For the last two terms (two scores) the Republican party has had the nation with a firm grip on all matters. They controlled the house, the control congress and had the leader that they saw fit, to lead this nation. What we got was a silver-spoon fed aristocrat, following in the foot steps of his father, leading a nation, without the care or knowledge of his abilities (and disabilities) and didn't really care. The economy is ruptured. Gas prices and oil companies have risen and making gross profits, while everyday Americans suffer. The outside world and allies, have grown discontent toward our nation. And the blunders that have occured, have been unbelievable...can we say Iraqi! I am amazed in conversation with friends that are Republicans, how they defend President George W. and his policies and how the nation is in torment at this very moment. With the Democratic Party normally having the support of the African-American vote, I was discontent of it's behavior toward African-Americans as taking for granted it's support and sacrifice. I am happy to see other African-Americans involved in the Republican party. I like to see every one have their choice in what organization or party they see fit to be involved in-for a better America. I am not on par or agreement of the many policies and plans, that they covenant and for that, I wish to see more African-Americans be more involved in giving them an in depth view of minorities and the less fortunate voice. It ills me to see an African-American (or anybody) stand up and praise the efforts of the Republican party of their gross negligence of "all" peoples needs, especially those that are in need. They too, are Americans, that go to war and fight for this nation and for our freedoms and rights. I am not saying that the Dems are right. For they too have ill me as well, but not as much as the elephants. This nation is a mess and there is no one to blame but George W. and the Republicans at this time and date.
The Race Factor:
There is no doubt that race is in the grasp of the thoughts of many in America. For the Blacks, it is a representative that has long been desired and visualize by the late great Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. But Dr. King believed in getting to the equality level stage for all Americans, not just blacks and have a level playing field or equality an rights. Being that it was the Civil Rights movement and Blacks all across the nation was victimized by matters of segregation and discrimination, they (us) were the poster child of this ill-fate time in our history. Can we say Jim Crow. Ok...so Obama is Black. But he had to go through the same process, as all other politicians, to get to the place to even be considered or taken serious. He had to deliver and produce and get things done, within his jurisdiction and province. And he did! Even after his speech, several prominent African-Americans with Ph.D's and Master Degrees, were not fully pleased with the speech, due to Obama not being more forceful, in bringing up more historical Black issues or saying Dr. Kings name openly. I see what Obama is doing and feel what he has to do. I too agree somewhat, that he could have been mentioned openly prominent civil right disciples, that have given their lives for rights, equality and respect as Americans. But there is more to this campaign this time around where there is a need for true unity amongst "all" people. Like Obama said, "This is not about me, this is about -you!"
In Conclusion:
I feel blessed to be around to see this all materialize and come to pass. To see a African-American rise to this plateau and be seen as a serious contender for the most powerful position on this earth. I have supported the past presidents and some I didn't voted for but still considered them -my president, due to the process. All have been white and I cared not for that they were white or any color. I cared that they would take this country in the direction that was needed and be what we have grown to be-Ambassadors of the Globe. I am proud to be an American. I am proud in being an African-American, the same as an Italian-American, Polish-American, Anglo-American, etc. My being taught (by my mom and dad) were to love all people for their character, being and love for others. It didn't matter what color they were. Yes, I know of the discrimination and prejudice of the early days of slavery and after. I know of the ill attitudes of whites in the south and the nation-then and still now. But that doesn't allow me the right to act or respond in kind-with malice, anger and hate, even if it is justified from those past deeds. I am confident enough and smart enough to rise above that manner of behavior and appreciate the sacrifices that many made for me, to achieve any success or greatness, that I have obtained. Many Blacks gave their lives, for me to have a better life. But we must not forget, many whites (and other groups) also gave their lives...so that we would rise above the evils of discrimination and prejudice. We all pray to one God...no matter how you slice it and dice it. There are no separate Heavens, we are all going to either of the same two places- Heaven ...or Hell...and there are no sign that says - "Whites this way- Blacks that way" when your time comes, to venture from this plane to the next.
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Taking Time To ReCoop
Hello All. Been some time since I last visited with you and shared. It has been quite a year for me (and my family) and I've decided to venture north, cross the border to Canada, with my two lovely daughters. This is "our time" that we further bond and enjoy the company of each other and truly grasp, what we are to each other-a family-with love, commitment and faith. The travel starts with us leaving the Tar Heel state of North Carolina (via Northwest Airlines) then landing in Toronto, Ontario. My girls, both of woman-hood status, are both in higher education attending the University of North Carolina-Greensboro. But when we cross the international airwaves, we are all transformed into joyous little ompus and elf's, just being jolly and with glee. I become the young teenager for my oldest daughter (India) who decides to take the motherly stances and keeps me and the younger (Bianca) in line and towing the lines. She gives us our do's and don'ts and makes sure that we are on point with the things that we have to do and eat. I am so submissive and proud at the same time.
While my girls each day primp and prime themselves for their daily outings, I, while there at the Olympia Sports Camp, prepare to lecture youth (ages 9-17) in several two hour sessions on athletics and life. I become transformed and filled with a peace that has long escaped me, for the last 10 months or more. This place (which I call Eden North) always renews my strength in life and people. The director (Dave Grace) has been not only a friend, but a father figure and one that has been so important in my life, that words and thanks could never express deary, of what he has meant to me and my family. I can only thank God for his involvement in our lives. I can honestly say- I love this man deeply and dearly and praise the works that he does with youth and the people of Canada.
"For those I haven't been in contact with...please forgive me-I have had a multitude of matters to spiritually deal with."
Our location is Huntsville, Ontario (2 hours north of Toronto) A cute, lovely little town similar to "The Bridges of Madison County" with a river flowing through the city-town (ala San Antonio) with lovely eateries and shops along the river bank. People there, don't know of my "celebrity status", but have grown to enjoy my visits there each year (21 years now)
The racial lines there are mostly Canadian and French with several Scandinavians. African-Americans are non-existence (except for us) but there are some Jamaicans and Africans, at a percentage of 1%, if that many. But there hasn't been any issues of racial discrimination or prejudice that I have witnessed or experienced, in the many years I have been there.
While my girls each day primp and prime themselves for their daily outings, I, while there at the Olympia Sports Camp, prepare to lecture youth (ages 9-17) in several two hour sessions on athletics and life. I become transformed and filled with a peace that has long escaped me, for the last 10 months or more. This place (which I call Eden North) always renews my strength in life and people. The director (Dave Grace) has been not only a friend, but a father figure and one that has been so important in my life, that words and thanks could never express deary, of what he has meant to me and my family. I can only thank God for his involvement in our lives. I can honestly say- I love this man deeply and dearly and praise the works that he does with youth and the people of Canada.
In my off time, I do things that I don't usually have the time to do like canoeing, fishing and fitness. I have gain a love for canoeing and have become an avid student of the sport. Matter of fact, I began to have dreams of making the next Olympics- yeah, right! (lol) but I also get some reading in with the greatest book and structuring manual (the Bible) while being in this place of serenity. There are days where I sit, along the bank of the lake and read and stare at the beautiful sky and talk with God and hear what he has to say, like if I was talking to one of my boys or friends. Never am I so refreshed and soothed during that time. I feel so fortunate having this outlet and venue to partake in. And my girls, now that they are young women, enjoy the gifts of nature with friends there and just hang out being "girls."
Well, I've shared my experience up in the far north and shared what rejuvenates my spirit. I wish each and every one of you could have such an experience that we share there. With the region simulating parts of the mountainous areas of North Carolina and the lakes being full with fish, turtles and other sorts of animals, reptiles and species I care not to touch. I know that this is a place, that I could spend my last days and know that I would have peace. With the passing of my Mother (Barbara Banks) friend (Glenn Brown) and son (Kyle) within the last year, God has placed His embrace upon me, to still be on focus, with what He has for me to do...to serve, love and be a truly giving human being and I can surly say...without His mercy, love and grace, I would not care to live, but I must, because...I have more to do and more to give, while I am still upon this earthly plane and I must appreciate the love that I have received from Him and all of you, and make my life, a testimony for all to know. "I fall down, but still get up" is a gospel quote that stands true and I must continue to stand tall, even in the face of adversity and trials and further show love from my heart...to each and everyone, no matter what race, creed or color. For I am a child of God ,who makes mistakes and He has forgiven me as I forgive all that make mistakes to me- no matter what the scenario. I love you all very much and know that Jesus is love for He sacrificed His life, so that we could have, ever lasting life, in the Kingdom with the Father.
"For those I haven't been in contact with...please forgive me-I have had a multitude of matters to spiritually deal with."
I want to thank you all for your love, concern and prayers and please continue to send them up, for me and my family, as I will do for you and yours.
Saturday, June 28, 2008
My Trip To Israel...Meeting With a Special Man Of God.
I had this in my spirit, to share more of my trip to Israel, that I took a few weeks ago. I didn't get the chance to really share of the wonderful time I spent there. Being invited back to be apart of a fantastic event (Israel Final Four Basketball Championships) I was also invited and took part in a missionary moment traveling to northern Israel (Migdol Lemit-next to Nazareth) and met an extraordinary man and servant of God-Rabbi Rabbi Grossman.
Rabbi Grossman created a community, where he took in 5,000 undesirable young boys and girls-gave them homes and nurtured them in a structural environment. I was astounded of the huge impact that he has made on this community and the country as a whole. He is considered like a male Mother Teresa. The NBA along with the Israeli Federation, asked me to take part in this venture and for me, it was a spiritual renewal and an honor for me. The famous Doc. J (Julius Erving) and Rick Barry, were the chosen ones, representing the NBA Out-Reach program and I, along with Korky Nelson, Dorom Jamcy and several other Israeli basketball icons
were included.
After a 2 hour bus ride from Tel Aviv, along the coast line passing Cesarea and several Palestinian and Jewish settlements, I was taken back of my days when I drove this same coast line, time and time again, while living here and playing, in my time back in 1990 till 1994.
Once we arrived, we were welcomed with a lovely brunch and conference room meeting where the Rabbi finally graced his appearance. The moment he walked into the room, I sense a presences of spiritual royalty and an energy like I haven't felt in some time. After a brief introduction of the community and sharing tales of Rabbi's beginnings, I was soothed feeling I was blessed, to be in this atmosphere and experiencing this.
I cannot express how truly filled I was to be also in the presences of Dr. J. and Rick Barry, both of whom I have admired and played against (only Doc.) and being apart of history. I had never seen a side of Doc. J's humility where he shared a touching side of his upbringing and trials as a lad in his growth. Rick brought along his family and it showed how wonderful a man he is and what sense of family and love for them that he held strongly. I must also add, the food was FANTASTIC!
After a few visits to the surrounding community, we were honored with hearing the young kids choir and welcomed to a Bar Mitzfah of a young lad of the director of the mission. They sang like Heavenly angels and I was taken with tears.
The final stage was a basketball clinic given by us to the community and it was truly a wonder and fulfilling. This is what I truly enjoy and love doing- touching lives of youth and what better place, than at this community and in the Holy Land. Even the Rabbi took a shot or two and was impressive in his debut of round ball skills. The 500 plus boys and girls were very receptive to our teaching basketball and lectures on sports and life and getting involved and being able to touch these kids and feel their hearts...was so enlightening. I will never forget this-Ever!
In conclusion, I a intimate moment with the Rabbi and he sense in me some unease and trials. I was taken back of his insight and words of wisdom as well as prayer, into my state of affairs. If felt like he knew of my dilemma and struggles. His words to me, which I will never forget were...
"Geno, I feel in you, a special presences of the Lord God within your heart is your biggest asset to showing God's love to people of all creeds, races and colors. Continue on, and know that He is with you and will carry you through." These words made me feel so special and love and gave me the needed strength, to further give my God (and Savior) my dedication, my worship and my love to Him, that has given me everything ...along with His son, Jesus Christ.
Rabbi Grossman created a community, where he took in 5,000 undesirable young boys and girls-gave them homes and nurtured them in a structural environment. I was astounded of the huge impact that he has made on this community and the country as a whole. He is considered like a male Mother Teresa. The NBA along with the Israeli Federation, asked me to take part in this venture and for me, it was a spiritual renewal and an honor for me. The famous Doc. J (Julius Erving) and Rick Barry, were the chosen ones, representing the NBA Out-Reach program and I, along with Korky Nelson, Dorom Jamcy and several other Israeli basketball icons
were included.
After a 2 hour bus ride from Tel Aviv, along the coast line passing Cesarea and several Palestinian and Jewish settlements, I was taken back of my days when I drove this same coast line, time and time again, while living here and playing, in my time back in 1990 till 1994.
Once we arrived, we were welcomed with a lovely brunch and conference room meeting where the Rabbi finally graced his appearance. The moment he walked into the room, I sense a presences of spiritual royalty and an energy like I haven't felt in some time. After a brief introduction of the community and sharing tales of Rabbi's beginnings, I was soothed feeling I was blessed, to be in this atmosphere and experiencing this.
I cannot express how truly filled I was to be also in the presences of Dr. J. and Rick Barry, both of whom I have admired and played against (only Doc.) and being apart of history. I had never seen a side of Doc. J's humility where he shared a touching side of his upbringing and trials as a lad in his growth. Rick brought along his family and it showed how wonderful a man he is and what sense of family and love for them that he held strongly. I must also add, the food was FANTASTIC!
After a few visits to the surrounding community, we were honored with hearing the young kids choir and welcomed to a Bar Mitzfah of a young lad of the director of the mission. They sang like Heavenly angels and I was taken with tears.
The final stage was a basketball clinic given by us to the community and it was truly a wonder and fulfilling. This is what I truly enjoy and love doing- touching lives of youth and what better place, than at this community and in the Holy Land. Even the Rabbi took a shot or two and was impressive in his debut of round ball skills. The 500 plus boys and girls were very receptive to our teaching basketball and lectures on sports and life and getting involved and being able to touch these kids and feel their hearts...was so enlightening. I will never forget this-Ever!
In conclusion, I a intimate moment with the Rabbi and he sense in me some unease and trials. I was taken back of his insight and words of wisdom as well as prayer, into my state of affairs. If felt like he knew of my dilemma and struggles. His words to me, which I will never forget were...
"Geno, I feel in you, a special presences of the Lord God within your heart is your biggest asset to showing God's love to people of all creeds, races and colors. Continue on, and know that He is with you and will carry you through." These words made me feel so special and love and gave me the needed strength, to further give my God (and Savior) my dedication, my worship and my love to Him, that has given me everything ...along with His son, Jesus Christ.
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
This past week, I was surprised and truly filled, with being named to the Israeli Basketball Federation list of one of the greatest foreign players, in their historic league. It was the 60th anniversary of that country and what a wonderful festive time.
This was the week of the Israeli Basketball "Final Four" and it's professional league championship. The four teams were: Beni-HaSharon, Nehriayha, Hapoel Holon and the favorite-Maccabe-Tel Aviv. MACCABE- Tel Aviv is and always has been, the favorite of the most the people in Israel. Being that they have won several European championship (which is compared to our Super Bowl, March Maddness, NBA Championships) under the leadership of Ralph Kline. The people of Israel take great pride in supporting their national representatives and hero's of Maccabe-Tel Aviv. This team (deemed like the Yankees, Duke, etc) has the economic and financial support of many corportaions and municipalities in that country and has the biggest budget in the league. The contracts (some in the millions) that they give out are three times more than any of the other teams in the league. It is always a surprise when another team in the league, has a win or beats them, during the regular season and playoffs, especially the championship.
With a gala that rivaled the Academy Awards and Emmies ceremonies, this "Final Four" gala was rich in history, entertainment and Who's-Who, at this venture. I was so thankful and appreciative that I was included and honored, at such an event. This was also the time that the league gave out awards and trophies, such as league MVP, Coach-of-the-year award and many others. It also took the time to honor those that contributed to the league through it's history on and off the hardwood. NOW...I am apart of their history and I give God all the glory in that. It was His doing and grace, that allowed me such an experience.
They honored me with a lovely award, special recognition and a framed portrait of myself of recieving the award, which I will have to lug through the airport in my travels back to the U.S. It didn't matter, for I am beaming ever so happily and proud.
I also took this time to reconnect with friends and get in touch with my spiritual needs being there in the Holy Land. What a wonderful place, even with the threat of terrorism and unrest.
I can only say, you have to be there to really feel and know of how things really are and how safe it is, compared to what we see on the HD television sets. The food, the culture, the spirit, all that was fulfilling and needed for me.
As I set back for home, back in the states, to my lovely abode in the south (Greensboro, NC) I will hold a special place in my heart and soul for this place where our Lord and savior walked, talked and preached. I have a renewed strength coming back and going away. I will continue my service to my God, family, community, my christian brothers (and sisters) church and those that re less fortunate. I know that is what God wants me to do and my commitment is more stronger.
Oh...by the way, the team Hapoel Holon, upseted the favorite Maccabe-Tel Aviv with a .3 second half court shot at the buzzer, to win the championship. The first time since 1993, that another team in the league, won the championship besides Maccabe-Tel Aviv.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Vote 2008- Hillary or Obama?
Now is the time to really show, what those that sacrificed their lives for. It is time for all of us to vote and vote strong. For the last 8 years, the nation has been turned, spun and mutilated beyound belief and the Republicans aren't taking any balme in this action. President Bush has done some things (and not done) that has cause even other nations, to hate us and distrust us. I am not a Republican, but I do not brag on my Democractic allegiance. The Democrats too, have displayed mannerisms that are unbecoming to the best interest of the nation. Now is the chance to really have our voices heard (so to speak) It is the battle between Hillary and Obama. Two worthy opponents, both running for the representation of the party of Democrats, to be the next president of the United States and unseat the Republican Klan. I am not against Republicans, for I like seeing blacks in the Republican party, so that they can make changes in the thinking of Republicans about blacks in America and what we have given to our country. I am an American, first and foremost. I am not from Africa, though my roots are from the cradle of civilization. I care not to live in Africa, for I was born here in America and this is the country I have grown to live and love. I do have my roots based on my african heritage and accept that truly.
Being that her husband Bill, who was our President and did some truly remarkable things during his Presidency, it would seem like a given, to have Hillary be the next choice-right? Wrong! Hillary has show a side (several sides) of her that are questionable and Republicanish. I would love to see a woman run this country...just not Hillary, of what I am experiencing and seeing.
Now, the case, I liked that Hillary chose to run for President, for it is time for a woman to have her hand at being a leader of this country. Who says that a woman can't run this country? Men have been running this country and political system for as long as it has existed. So why not?
Being that her husband Bill, who was our President and did some truly remarkable things during his Presidency, it would seem like a given, to have Hillary be the next choice-right? Wrong! Hillary has show a side (several sides) of her that are questionable and Republicanish. I would love to see a woman run this country...just not Hillary, of what I am experiencing and seeing.
The latest attacks and mishaps, have made me turn a displeasing turn against her and pushed my feelings that Obama, is the choice, for this country, to turn things around. It won't be easy, for there is so much mess already in progress and it will take a miracle, to fix all the damage. But I feel that Obama has the spirit to bring this country together and mend the fences domestically and abroad.
Like JFK, He (Obama) is the right choice for a change in policies and direction. What better example of the American dream, of a man/woman that has both cultures in his being (white mother and Black father) His elegence and manner, has given ease to those that would feel threatened, by persons such as Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, who both speak too militant, for White Americans, in this time and age. Does Hillary have more foreign policy experience than Obama? How? Because she went on trips with her husband Bill?
The latest incident of misrepresentation of her trip to Bosnia, when she said that she was under sniper fire on a trip after she landed. The actual footage of her trip, showed nothing of the sort. Then to turn around and use it in her speeches and then tell the nation, that it was a blunder and explain it in a way that we are suppose to accept it as a "honest miscue" shows that, Hillary will go to any lengths, to have an advantage to getting that nomination. "By Any Means Necessary" seems to be her motto and the attacks against Obama from her and her campaign, have been truly displeasing and discomforting. Remember, those that voted for Bill aren't getting Bill, they are getting Hillary. Yes, I know that "pillow talk" is a powerful substance, but not in this case. The polls have shown that Obama is a need that has long been anticipated and long for. We called Bill, our first Black President, Wow... and then we say (some blacks) that Obama isn't black enough. How our minds been twisted and turned and divided. Just because Hillary and Bill have an office in Harlem, doesn't mean that they are "true black folk." Does Bill (or Hillary) have to chase down a cab that drives by them, because they are black-No! Do they get anxiety when they hear a police car siren and worry that they might get pulled over, because of racial profiling? This campaign is really showing a divided portion of our people, in ways unbecoming to our achievements. And what are our loyalties? To vote because someone isBlack? or that they can lead the country in the right direction? I, like others, feel that it is Obama.
No, I am not voting for Obama because he is Black. But because I like his demeaner, style and mission. I am impressed by his oraltor skills and message. I am also impressed, how the nation (White America) has embraced his message and attitude. So, it is clear, that I am not the only one, that belives in a change that is needed. Bush has truly manipulized his power and manner, while in the White House and it is sad to see the nation, in the state that it is in. So, get out and vote. I am not telling you to vote for Obama, I am just saying, don't feed into the rhetoric of voting for Hillary, just because she was Bill's spouse, while in the White House. She is not Bill and Obama isn't like anyone else. He is the choice, to ease the nation.
Monday, February 4, 2008
When one needs forgiveness, there is only one way to get that forgiveness. First, one must, admit their fault, wrong or Sin. Then, that person must have that spiritual base and go straight to the Father in prayer, sincerely, and ask for the forgiveness he/she seeks. We might not think that He forgives us, but the Lord has said that He would and He ALWAYS...keeps His promise and Word. I have been so blessed to have His forgiveness many times over. And He said He would forgive us, if that plea is from the heart and sincere. God knows our heart deeply and truly and He wants us not to bear pain or hurt, no more than we can bear. In this time of my life, I have been tested beyound question and belief. With the lost of love ones, by death and by other means. My spirit is spent and shattled. I am at the end of my rope of faith, but I do believe that His Will, will be done, for the best of my (our) interest. So, I ask you, for your forgiveness, if I have done anything to have caused you hurt, pain or harm.I have already ask the Father for His undying love and mercy and grace, to forgive all that I have done or any Sins that I have committed.
If we truly believe in Him and His words, we will not lose faith in knowing, that His power is ever so strong and true. With today's society illustrating the "Last Days" and people changing their manner of love to hate, it is more evident, that we call upon His name and ask for His love, grace and forgiveness. I need Him now, as I have always needed Him and I have called upon Him, to soothe that which is in my spirit.
I want so much to be the Lord's warrior and stand for rightiousness and I am so fortunate that I have someone, that loves and knows me. Do you know Him? Do you pray to Him? Do you praise Him? Do you go to the Lord and ask for forgiveness, for the things that you have done or the Sins that you have committed? Take it from me, He hears and knows your thoughts, it just takes YOU...to make that decision, to talk and pray to Him and recieve your forgiveness ...and Blessings.
I love you all, as He would want me to love each and everyone.
God bless you and may your heart be happy and your spirit filled...with His love.
If we truly believe in Him and His words, we will not lose faith in knowing, that His power is ever so strong and true. With today's society illustrating the "Last Days" and people changing their manner of love to hate, it is more evident, that we call upon His name and ask for His love, grace and forgiveness. I need Him now, as I have always needed Him and I have called upon Him, to soothe that which is in my spirit.
I want so much to be the Lord's warrior and stand for rightiousness and I am so fortunate that I have someone, that loves and knows me. Do you know Him? Do you pray to Him? Do you praise Him? Do you go to the Lord and ask for forgiveness, for the things that you have done or the Sins that you have committed? Take it from me, He hears and knows your thoughts, it just takes YOU...to make that decision, to talk and pray to Him and recieve your forgiveness ...and Blessings.
I love you all, as He would want me to love each and everyone.
God bless you and may your heart be happy and your spirit filled...with His love.
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Who Do You Trust? Obama ? Hillary? None Of The Above?
Now the time is upon us, to make a decision of who, our next leader will be. We had two terms of George W. and I must say, a great deal has happened to this country, in reverse, to the motto and dreams of being a humanitarian nation. It is clear, that the Bushes won't be in power, in the White House, but be sure to know, they have made more than enough influence around the globe, to continue the power that they have especially with the Saudi Arabia government (oil)
But enough said...The question here is Who? Obama? Hillary? These are the choices of the Democratic Party (well, John Edwards somewhat) The question arose being that I am African-American, and the African-American vote is a strong one. First, let me say, I am a registered Democrat. Why? Well, years of having growing up in a Democratic Party household and having the belief that this party, is more in tuned to the social needs of minorities. The Republican Party has been portrayed as the party, that is less in tune and less caring to minorities and many of their agendas, have shown so. I am not against the Republican Party, for we all have a right to choose and I am delighted in seeing African-Americans in that party, to have representation and make change or add, to it's agendas and issues.
Ok...let's see- Obama. He seems like a wonderful choice, being articulate, bright, handsome, well to do, etc, etc, etc. Wait a minute! I am sounding like a conservative white who sees any black act in the manner that he has shown (non-militant, non-aggressive, un-like Jesse) He has taken some hits from the the mighty Clinton's in ways that are puzzling voters and Democratic supporters. What better choice to have of an American that has both bloodlines in his body (black and white) What better experience than to have a person, that has gone through the trials of coming up and believing in a well-rounded America? And oh..I almost forgot, he even went back to Africa to touch base with his roots as well. Hmmmmm..interesting huh? He isn't feared by the majority of this country, because he seems to say the right things. What I do like about Obama is that he is being tested and continues to rise up against attacks and criticism, and by whom...Hillary! Wow! a Democratic sister, so to speak.
Now, Hillary. We all pulled for Hillary, when "Brother Bill" (considered the first Black President) surcome to temptation of the infamous Monica Lewinsky and the stain dress. We saw her "stand by her man" and not take one step backwards, knowing that this was not the first time "Wild Bill" had some extra-curriculum activity. Her poise nature and head high manner, gave us a view of a strong woman, in the mist of turmoil. Her aggressive attack on getting Health Care for all, was a gallant effort, but why didn't it fly? Her husband WAS the president? Ok...my thinking was to lean toward Hillary in such, that she was the choice, that would be best, in winning the presidency over the other parties candidate. Her being a woman,didn't matter to me, for men have been running this country since, and they have made a mess of things over the centuries and - why not a woman president? As long as she can make change, deliver on promises and get the economy and country strong, I could care less if it were alien ( I don't mean illegal) She basically had my vote (with the help of being Bill's other half) But NOW! with the attacks on Obama and the clashes that they are having, which is bringing out a great deal of Hillary's (and Bill's) past dealings such as "Whitewater", "Board of Wal-Mart" and several other situations that she has not fessed up to, under her leadership or authority.
So why the sudden attacks on Obama from Hill? Well, if you don't know politics, you will know one thing...whatever it takes to win and no matter who you attack to get that victory, means more than integrity and fair play. Even if it is own momma or friend. Even Bill, has come out of the box and make some discouraging comments against Obama and he has the NERVE to talk?!
Ok...I will say that I am voting Democratic due to the Republican agenda still doesn't address the issues of social matters in our country such as education in urban and rural areas, black teens being jailed wrongfully, The Hurricane Katrina matter,Health Care for the underprivileged and I can go on, and on, and on. Tell me who, in the Republican Party is worthy of my vote? Giuliani? Romney? Reagan? Oh...he's gone, I' sorry. I will vote for anyone, no matter what the party, if he or she, can unite this country and look to seeing that this country gets what it needs FIRST...and work toward the outside later. The deficit is back to being the highest ever, a recessions is right around the corner, still no Health Care for everyone, looked upon other nations now with hate and disapproval, companies moving out of the country and overseas displacing people form rural areas, out of jobs and basically homeless. Now, we have an illegal immigration problem.
If I had to vote today, I would vote for Obama, only due to the fact that he is trying to bring forth the issues of our country and not the rhetoric, that all the other candidates are spewing. Hillary lost me with the attacks, I was never impressed with Romney or Giuliani (who are the front-runners) Oh..I forgot about McCain..hmmmm..he seems to be running strong, but does he really believe what he is saying? Need to listen more on his issues. No, I wouldn't vote for Obama because he is black, but because he seems the most likely, to get this country united and move forward in ways that no other has been able to. Bill, started it (getting the country back somewhat) no we need someone, to take the torch and and lead us, in these trying days. Maybe Hillary can convince me otherwise, but right now, I am displeased in her actions of criticism and attacks. Who will you vote for?! Listen close and hard, to the issues and then YOU decide!
Remember, many blacks died, for us to have the right to vote. Even an uneducated black man, with no shoes, who was stopped at the door and threatened and then given a test. This is the one right that we have, that was fought for, that we can use as power, that was sacrificed, by our forefathers. Amen
But enough said...The question here is Who? Obama? Hillary? These are the choices of the Democratic Party (well, John Edwards somewhat) The question arose being that I am African-American, and the African-American vote is a strong one. First, let me say, I am a registered Democrat. Why? Well, years of having growing up in a Democratic Party household and having the belief that this party, is more in tuned to the social needs of minorities. The Republican Party has been portrayed as the party, that is less in tune and less caring to minorities and many of their agendas, have shown so. I am not against the Republican Party, for we all have a right to choose and I am delighted in seeing African-Americans in that party, to have representation and make change or add, to it's agendas and issues.
Ok...let's see- Obama. He seems like a wonderful choice, being articulate, bright, handsome, well to do, etc, etc, etc. Wait a minute! I am sounding like a conservative white who sees any black act in the manner that he has shown (non-militant, non-aggressive, un-like Jesse) He has taken some hits from the the mighty Clinton's in ways that are puzzling voters and Democratic supporters. What better choice to have of an American that has both bloodlines in his body (black and white) What better experience than to have a person, that has gone through the trials of coming up and believing in a well-rounded America? And oh..I almost forgot, he even went back to Africa to touch base with his roots as well. Hmmmmm..interesting huh? He isn't feared by the majority of this country, because he seems to say the right things. What I do like about Obama is that he is being tested and continues to rise up against attacks and criticism, and by whom...Hillary! Wow! a Democratic sister, so to speak.
Now, Hillary. We all pulled for Hillary, when "Brother Bill" (considered the first Black President) surcome to temptation of the infamous Monica Lewinsky and the stain dress. We saw her "stand by her man" and not take one step backwards, knowing that this was not the first time "Wild Bill" had some extra-curriculum activity. Her poise nature and head high manner, gave us a view of a strong woman, in the mist of turmoil. Her aggressive attack on getting Health Care for all, was a gallant effort, but why didn't it fly? Her husband WAS the president? Ok...my thinking was to lean toward Hillary in such, that she was the choice, that would be best, in winning the presidency over the other parties candidate. Her being a woman,didn't matter to me, for men have been running this country since, and they have made a mess of things over the centuries and - why not a woman president? As long as she can make change, deliver on promises and get the economy and country strong, I could care less if it were alien ( I don't mean illegal) She basically had my vote (with the help of being Bill's other half) But NOW! with the attacks on Obama and the clashes that they are having, which is bringing out a great deal of Hillary's (and Bill's) past dealings such as "Whitewater", "Board of Wal-Mart" and several other situations that she has not fessed up to, under her leadership or authority.
So why the sudden attacks on Obama from Hill? Well, if you don't know politics, you will know one thing...whatever it takes to win and no matter who you attack to get that victory, means more than integrity and fair play. Even if it is own momma or friend. Even Bill, has come out of the box and make some discouraging comments against Obama and he has the NERVE to talk?!
Ok...I will say that I am voting Democratic due to the Republican agenda still doesn't address the issues of social matters in our country such as education in urban and rural areas, black teens being jailed wrongfully, The Hurricane Katrina matter,Health Care for the underprivileged and I can go on, and on, and on. Tell me who, in the Republican Party is worthy of my vote? Giuliani? Romney? Reagan? Oh...he's gone, I' sorry. I will vote for anyone, no matter what the party, if he or she, can unite this country and look to seeing that this country gets what it needs FIRST...and work toward the outside later. The deficit is back to being the highest ever, a recessions is right around the corner, still no Health Care for everyone, looked upon other nations now with hate and disapproval, companies moving out of the country and overseas displacing people form rural areas, out of jobs and basically homeless. Now, we have an illegal immigration problem.
If I had to vote today, I would vote for Obama, only due to the fact that he is trying to bring forth the issues of our country and not the rhetoric, that all the other candidates are spewing. Hillary lost me with the attacks, I was never impressed with Romney or Giuliani (who are the front-runners) Oh..I forgot about McCain..hmmmm..he seems to be running strong, but does he really believe what he is saying? Need to listen more on his issues. No, I wouldn't vote for Obama because he is black, but because he seems the most likely, to get this country united and move forward in ways that no other has been able to. Bill, started it (getting the country back somewhat) no we need someone, to take the torch and and lead us, in these trying days. Maybe Hillary can convince me otherwise, but right now, I am displeased in her actions of criticism and attacks. Who will you vote for?! Listen close and hard, to the issues and then YOU decide!
Remember, many blacks died, for us to have the right to vote. Even an uneducated black man, with no shoes, who was stopped at the door and threatened and then given a test. This is the one right that we have, that was fought for, that we can use as power, that was sacrificed, by our forefathers. Amen
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Gene Banks- Taking Time To Grieve and Relect.
Banks resigns as Smith basketball coach
By Jeff CarltonStaff Writer
Friday, Jan. 11, 2008 3:00 am
Credit: H. Scott Hoffmann/News & Record
Gene Banks
GREENSBORO -- A few days after Smith jettisoned its football coach, the Eagles lost the first-year coach of their struggling boys basketball team.
Gene Banks met Wednesday with athletics director Charlie Barnes and principal Noah Rogers and told them he was resigning as basketball coach, less than five months after he accepted the job.
The Eagles were 1-12 after dropping their Metro 4-A Conference opener Tuesday against Northwest Guilford. Barnes said Thursday that Banks was not asked to resign after those early struggles.
"It was pretty much his decision to do that," Barnes said. "He could have stayed as long as he wanted to."
Brian Jones, Smith's junior varsity coach, is now directing the varsity on an interim basis. His first game in that role is tonight against Page.
Barnes and Rogers began their search for a football coach after they asked Jon Oakley to step down late last week, less than two years into his tenure. Oakley was 0-11 in 2007, his first full year on the job. Oakley, a former Page and Northwest assistant coach, took over midway through the Eagles' one-victory season in 2006.
Smith has not had a winning football season since the late Tony McKee departed in 2004 to take a coaching position in Georgia.
"With that school, you need time," Oakley said. "That's the challenge. Sometimes you think you've got it, and you don't have it."
Several attempts to reach Banks by phone the past two days were unsuccessful. He spoke after the 46-42 loss to Northwest about his difficulties adjusting to the high school game -- dealing with parents and the immaturity of teenage players, for example.
Banks was an All-America high school player in Philadelphia and was similarly honored during his playing career at Duke in 1977-81. He had coached semipro teams overseas as well as two college women's teams -- Division II Bluefield State and D-III Bennett -- before taking the Smith job last summer.
Barnes said Banks cited the recent deaths of his mother and a close friend as primary reasons for stepping aside.
Just as in football, Smith has had trouble establishing coaching continuity in boys basketball. Reggie Peace had success in two stints with the Eagles, but he returned to Lee County to be closer to his wife's place of work last June, ending his second tour after two seasons.
By Jeff CarltonStaff Writer
Friday, Jan. 11, 2008 3:00 am
Credit: H. Scott Hoffmann/News & Record
Gene Banks
GREENSBORO -- A few days after Smith jettisoned its football coach, the Eagles lost the first-year coach of their struggling boys basketball team.
Gene Banks met Wednesday with athletics director Charlie Barnes and principal Noah Rogers and told them he was resigning as basketball coach, less than five months after he accepted the job.
The Eagles were 1-12 after dropping their Metro 4-A Conference opener Tuesday against Northwest Guilford. Barnes said Thursday that Banks was not asked to resign after those early struggles.
"It was pretty much his decision to do that," Barnes said. "He could have stayed as long as he wanted to."
Brian Jones, Smith's junior varsity coach, is now directing the varsity on an interim basis. His first game in that role is tonight against Page.
Barnes and Rogers began their search for a football coach after they asked Jon Oakley to step down late last week, less than two years into his tenure. Oakley was 0-11 in 2007, his first full year on the job. Oakley, a former Page and Northwest assistant coach, took over midway through the Eagles' one-victory season in 2006.
Smith has not had a winning football season since the late Tony McKee departed in 2004 to take a coaching position in Georgia.
"With that school, you need time," Oakley said. "That's the challenge. Sometimes you think you've got it, and you don't have it."
Several attempts to reach Banks by phone the past two days were unsuccessful. He spoke after the 46-42 loss to Northwest about his difficulties adjusting to the high school game -- dealing with parents and the immaturity of teenage players, for example.
Banks was an All-America high school player in Philadelphia and was similarly honored during his playing career at Duke in 1977-81. He had coached semipro teams overseas as well as two college women's teams -- Division II Bluefield State and D-III Bennett -- before taking the Smith job last summer.
Barnes said Banks cited the recent deaths of his mother and a close friend as primary reasons for stepping aside.
Just as in football, Smith has had trouble establishing coaching continuity in boys basketball. Reggie Peace had success in two stints with the Eagles, but he returned to Lee County to be closer to his wife's place of work last June, ending his second tour after two seasons.
Barbara Banks-Williams..."Homecoming"
Barbara Banks-Williams, mom of Gene Banks
By JOHN F. MORRISONPhiladelphia Daily News
morrisj@phillynews.com 215-854-5573
By JOHN F. MORRISONPhiladelphia Daily News
morrisj@phillynews.com 215-854-5573
Barbara Banks-Williams didn't let a little thing like tuberculosis stop her from living life to the fullest.
The disease, which struck her in junior high school, put her in the hospital for prolonged periods at a crucial time in anyone's life.
But she bounced back, earned her high school equivalency diploma and received certification as a respiratory therapist. She worked at John F. Kennedy Memorial Hospital.
Barbara, a devoted churchwoman and mother of eight children, including Gene Banks, one of the city's most outstanding high school basketball players, died Saturday. She was 70 and lived in West Philadelphia.
She was born in Philadelphia to Pearl White and Roy Kearse. She was attending Audenried Junior High School when she contracted TB.
"Barbara was a hard worker with a tender and giving heart," her family said in an obituary. "She was always known for opening her doors to anyone in need and for always having a place at the table for anyone to enjoy a good meal."
She was married to the late Eugene Lavon Banks Sr. After their divorce, she married Walter Williams, who also preceded her in death.
Barbara served a number of local churches in the city as a missionary and Sunday School teacher and always made herself available for whatever was needed.
"In her service to the Lord, Barbara passionately sang old Pentecostal songs and studied God's word," her family said. "She will always be remembered for exemplifying a reverence and passion for God."
Her son Eugene L. Banks Jr. led West Philadelphia High School to a 79-2 record over three seasons in the '70s, including three Public League and City championships, starred at Duke University and played in the NBA.
She also is survived by two other sons, Derrick and Darryl; four daughters, Barbara, Natalie, Pamela and Heidi; two brothers, Earl White and Eric Fisher; 24 grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. She was predeceased by another daughter, Venesee.
Services: 11 a.m. Saturday at Mount Olive Holy Temple Church, Broad and Jefferson streets. Friends may call at 9 a.m.*
The disease, which struck her in junior high school, put her in the hospital for prolonged periods at a crucial time in anyone's life.
But she bounced back, earned her high school equivalency diploma and received certification as a respiratory therapist. She worked at John F. Kennedy Memorial Hospital.
Barbara, a devoted churchwoman and mother of eight children, including Gene Banks, one of the city's most outstanding high school basketball players, died Saturday. She was 70 and lived in West Philadelphia.
She was born in Philadelphia to Pearl White and Roy Kearse. She was attending Audenried Junior High School when she contracted TB.
"Barbara was a hard worker with a tender and giving heart," her family said in an obituary. "She was always known for opening her doors to anyone in need and for always having a place at the table for anyone to enjoy a good meal."
She was married to the late Eugene Lavon Banks Sr. After their divorce, she married Walter Williams, who also preceded her in death.
Barbara served a number of local churches in the city as a missionary and Sunday School teacher and always made herself available for whatever was needed.
"In her service to the Lord, Barbara passionately sang old Pentecostal songs and studied God's word," her family said. "She will always be remembered for exemplifying a reverence and passion for God."
Her son Eugene L. Banks Jr. led West Philadelphia High School to a 79-2 record over three seasons in the '70s, including three Public League and City championships, starred at Duke University and played in the NBA.
She also is survived by two other sons, Derrick and Darryl; four daughters, Barbara, Natalie, Pamela and Heidi; two brothers, Earl White and Eric Fisher; 24 grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. She was predeceased by another daughter, Venesee.
Services: 11 a.m. Saturday at Mount Olive Holy Temple Church, Broad and Jefferson streets. Friends may call at 9 a.m.*
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