Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Being Ever So Proud...

I wish to take this moment to express something that is deep and dear to my heart. With all the negativism about children, youth and young adults today. I must express with the highest level of pride, and that is, how much I am so proud of my children. With most of them away from home and structuring their own families and lives (but still keep intact) The two I am speaking highly of at this point are my little princess, India Lavone and Bianca Cornelia Banks. Why? well, When our lives were turned upside down and every which way, after the death of their mother (Isabelle Johnson-Banks) There was no strength that I could turn to but them (and God) Yes, God was there every step of the way. These two were soldiers and warriors through this difficult time. It was their love, hugs, care and constant "I love you daddy" that gave me the strength to carry on. I have never been a quiter but I was tested beyong all limits and became numb to this life here on earth, during this time. But each time I saw their little faces and their smiles knowing that they were so happy to see me and feeling their strong hugs and kisses, gave me that assurance that I HAD to be strong, resiliant and be a true man and father. Since the death, I have been blessed with seeing the two of them do many outstanding things- Sing in the school chorus, play varsity basketball, play the piano in recitals, learn to drive, have a fan club (Bianca) have a boyfriend (India) travel to Canada, go to Washington, DC, get a job (both) go thru the first stages of womenhood (need I say more) and many many other experiences. They are proud of me as a father, not because of my athletic accomplishments but as a daddy and let me know each and every day, how proud and happy they are, that I am their father. I am the most blessed father on this earth and I thank God each and every day for that love that I recieve from them. They are truly special (like all of my kids) for they are the lagacy of their mother that stays alive within us. The compliments that I recieve of their manner and characterfrom other people, makes me even more prouder that others see their growth and love for all mankind and they don't see color in people. India's desire is to be a entrepenur in business and Bianca desire is to be a foreign langauage translater. She (Bianca) already knows sign language. Both, have the look and voice to be the next "American Idol" but they chose not to participate in that circus of wanting to be scrutinized and judged in that way. I didn't want that either for they can sing for their father any time, day or month. India has been my hero many times over, for a child to lose her mother at such a young age is dramatic and tradgic. Bianca, although even more younger at the time, is my little princess and acts as such (some times in a spoiled manner) but she has her head on straight so to speak. They are not perfect by no means and they are still growing and maturing each minute of the hour and day. But, my life has been truly blessed when they came into this earth and I pulled them out from their mothers womb...which I cherish to this very day. I love them so deeply and dearly and because of them...I am free, happy and feel God's love, each and every day through them.
If nothing else, love YOUR children with all your heart and let them know that there is no greater love than to have that love be the highest level that God has placed in our hearts.

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