Monday, February 5, 2007

My Desire for All...

I am sending these wishes to all that read this. I desire that we all take time in our very busy schedules to (1) say a prayer to God and tell him that you love him and that you appreciate all that He has done for you and yours. (2) Tell each and every member of your family how much they mean to you and that you love them as well. (3) Make a mental note to forgive all those that depised against you and caused you harm. (4) Take a breath, relax and tell yourself how much you love YOU. (5) Hug each and every child that you have and kiss them ever so aggressively and don't let them go for at least 3 minutes. (6) Call (or visit) your mother and father and just give them a big kiss for no reason at all (7) Smile and look upward and just feel the goodness of being alive, healthy with shelter, food and love ones (8) Treat yourself to something you wanted for some time and think not of the cost (unless it's a carribean vacation) (9) Give something to a homeless peson, whether it be clothing, food or funds. (10) Remember those that have past on in your life that were close. Smile, cry and acknowledge that they did mean a great deal to you and touched your life in many many ways. In doing that, I am sure that a feeling will come over you that will fill even the faintess of hearts...and remember that YOU are phenonmenal, You are significant and You have many gifts, that still are needed to be exposed.


Anonymous said...

... all of the above is something so many of us take for granted. GOD - without Him we would be/have nothing. He is our very source of who we are, where we are in life and what is yet to come for us. Our families - a very similar picture is painted here as well. Our families have molded us into that person we have become. Our first memories are associated with our families, no matter how young we may have been. Memories of family and friends will always be the ones that last, and no - we should not take either one of them for granted.

If you are blessed enough to have shelter over your head, food on your table, children to be able to love and look after - you are so abundantly blessed. All of us have to learn that this has been entrusted to us not because of who we are, but because of who He is!

"It will not matter what earthly possessions one has had. Looking back, it is the possessions of the heart and soul that will make an eternal difference. Walk the path of eternal happiness, and everything else on earth will follow..." (Kiki 2007)

Stay blessed my friend - thank you for another reminder who has priority in our daily walks!

Dr Mary Johnson said...

Welcome to the blogosphere.

Good post.